Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Check out this picture I recently took...

At a place I stopped by to take some measurements, and to get more of a "feel" for what I am working with...

A place that is about to get a major overhaul...

I am pretty sure you can guess where I was...

But can you guess what specific thing this is??

And I bet you'd never guess who is so excited to actually set her ideas in motion :)! It's been a long time coming.

Hope you all have a great Wednesday!


  1. New house? I guessed the front door, as well.

    :) :) :)

  2. I am guessing your front door?! I love the iron work. :)

  3. I'm hoping your new front door because I love that iron work!

  4. Yep, it's the "storm" door on our front door!

  5. I can't wait to see what ideas are about to be set into motion =)

  6. I am excited for you. It sounds like this has been a long time coming! Happy decorating!!!
    Just wanted to let you know we have found the memory card to my camera, you commented on my post and you probably don't care but I wanted to tell you anyway haha.
    I hope things move along quickly so you can move into your "new to you" home :)

  7. KATE!!!! So excited for the door too!
