Sunday, February 21, 2010

You Might Want To Write This One Down

I'm tellin' ya, these Homemade Pop Tarts, are a crowd pleaser.

Tonight I must share this recipe I got from the Once A Month Mom website. It did not disappoint. Want the details? Here we go...

You will need:
-1 box of refrigerated (or homemade) Pie Crust.
-Your favorite jelly
-Powdered sugar & milk for icing. (optional)

I rolled a premade pie crust out, and cut it in to 4 squares/rectangles. Save the ends for another couple squares. Then I put a spoonful of Strawberry Jelly on each.

I used an Organic Reduced Sugar Jelly from Trader Joe's. I prefer my girls not be addicted to High Fructose Corn Syrup if at all possible, so I try to cut it out when I can. But any jelly will do.

I folded the squares over, and sealed the edges with a fork.

Baked them at 450 degrees for 10-12min, and let them cool. The recipe gives an option for icing, which you can find here. I made a few with the icing and the rest without it. The girls loved them plain, so I figured why put it on? Here they are both ways...

I let them cool, and then popped them in large Ziploc bags to go in the fridge or freezer.

Believe me, they are worth the time. I want to go grab one out of the fridge just thinking about them. Let me know if you decide to make a batch!


  1. girl, you better believe i'm trying this soon! i've been paying an arm and a leg for the nature's path organic toaster pastries. no more. thanks!

  2. What a fabulous idea! Thanks so much for sharing it!

  3. Oh my gosh! So simple and CHEAP!! I'm definitely trying these. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Must try these. My family loves pop tarts. I think they're nasty. But I think I could get additcted to those.

  5. I will definitely give these a try. But ... I'll be using homemade pie crust (grandma's recipe) and homemade jam (we put up 150 quarts last year).

    Yummm ...

    mama of 13

  6. I may have to give this one a shot...L loves her some pop tarts, but I don't really like to buy them due to the ingredients, so these are a great alternative....and look VERY tasty!

  7. Chef Hymie Grande ( ) is the first and only bottled BBQ sauce to carry the seal of the American Diabetes Association on the label. It has no high fructose corn syrup, no processed sugar, it is all natural and vegan friendly. It is produced at the Rutgers Food Innovation Center in Bridgton, NJ by Jamie Failtelson, a.k.a. Chef Hymie Grande of Carlstadt, NJ. 5% of proceeds go to the American Diabetes Association.

  8. I'm glad they worked! :) And that the girls liked them. I prefer them without the icing too.

  9. That is a GREAT idea!!! I totally wish we had a Trader Joe's!

  10. i made these a few weeks ago, they tasted GREAT. mine were not as pretty but i am going to try it again

  11. How simple and they look really yummy!

    I'm awarding you the Beautiful Blogger award. Details are at

  12. This looks great! I bet my girls would love these too. I'll be trying this soon. Thanks!

  13. We made those about 2 weeks ago (when we were snowed in) and my kids devoured them!

  14. You are awesome.. what else do you have on your sleeve.. I will be adding this one to my list for tomorrow as well!
