Friday, February 5, 2010

Did I Mention...

...that I was going to Blissdom this weekend??

Tricia and I packed up, and headed out of town yesterday.

They have been good to us here at the Opryland Hotel...

We are having a fabulous time, with some fabulous ladies...

But I really miss my girls!! I want to just run home and squeeze all of them! Oh I can't wait.

Would you pray that hubby (the man that I have had some great 1 on 1 time w/ lately, that has been sooo good for this stressed out couple!) gets along OK w/ the girls (he does have some help), and for safe travel back home? I would sooo appreciate it!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I hope you have an AMAZING time............ you deserve it! And what a great husband and father your man must be... I know he's doing great with the girls. You're in my neck of the woods now! :)

  2. How exciting! Have a great time.

    My girls are starting to wear 3-6 months. Thats ok if you already have someone that buys your clothes. I was just going to if you didn't have anyone that did. I don't want to take that opportunity from them. Thanks for getting back to me! Have a wonderful weekend and will be praying for you and your family.

  3. How fun is that?!!! Kind of jealous, but SO happy for you!!!! ENjoy!!!

  4. Have fun! Glad you were able to get away!
