Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's About Community

That's it...

Just wanted to say it.

I spent A LOT of time this weekend thinking and learning about community...

About what is important and what is not important...

I could never put into words what you all mean to me...

and you'll never know how big of an impact you have on my daily life.

You ladies are priceless.

You are my encouragement in so many ways.

I am attached to those of you that hang around this crazy blog...and this crazy family.

It's been a great few days here (at blissdom), haha, can you tell??

So, so much love to you all...


  1. awww! i have LOVED getting to know you a little better "in real life." i look forward to staying in touch and sharing our lives.

  2. Kate, when I met you about 5 years ago at my sister's baby shower, it was as if I had known you for years. You were so easy to talk to. Which was huge for this shy girl in a room full of ladies I didn't know! I have never forgotten you and asked my sister how you were doing often. All this said...I was so happy to see you blogging!

    I am so glad we can continue building our friendship through blogging! Makes the miles between us seem to disappear!

  3. oh my gosh...I am finally able to post! The past few times when I click on your link, it brings me somewhere crazy! So, then I type it in...and it still brings me somewhere crazy!!

    BUT I AM HERE!!! =)

    I agree, it is about community! And I love that you are apart of mine =)

    (p.s. did you ever get my email a few weeks ago? I am still praying!)

  4. You have no idea how much I miss you all! Love you, Wina
