Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Please. Send. Help.


  1. I feel for you!! Have a blast this week/weekend. So excited for you. Tell Eric to feel free to drop any little girls off here if he needs a little break :).

  2. How'd you manage to take a picture of MY laundry room?!

    But here's my helpful advice: get it all washed this afternoon and then throw it down in front of your favorite tv show tonight for a fold-fest. Make hubby put it away while you have a glass of wine or a brownie. Or both :)

  3. I have crampons you can borrow to scale that

  4. The funny this is...I think that is a sneak peak into all our houses, you were just brave enough to photograph it :)
    I'll come and help! We need to stick together!

  5. I know what you will be doing for a few days! ;) My laundry has doubled this week because of all the snow so I know exactly how you are feeling. Just when you think you are close to done it multiplies. HA!

  6. I feel horrible. I have less kids and my pile is higher than yours! O'vey!!

    Happy folding, friend.

  7. Ah Kate. I am a freak and actually like doing laundry. Wish you were closer...the girlies could play, you could sit and I would gladly fold your laundry :)

  8. NICE!!! Do you have a BIG front loader set? They are the BEST. We have had our Whirlpool Duet for about 5 years and I don't know how we managed before that.

    mama of 13

  9. Ahh yes I just finished that pile at my house this afternoon. Ship yours over I'm on a role.

  10. If someone comes to save you, can you send them my way when they're done? ;)

  11. I acutally think mine is doubly worse. And I only have ONE child. I'm hanging my head in shame...
    I love "This Heavenly Life"'s tip.

  12. times that by 4 and you'll have my laundry nightmare.
