You might want to sit down for this...
JanuraryKinley & Raya turn 2 months old...
Octomom gives birth to 8 babies...
I decide to hit the gym again...
I start to find out our
new normal isn't exactly...normal.
FebruaryEric and I celebrate 6 years of marriage...
I eat
popcorn off the floor at Target...
The Steelers win the Superbowl...
And I embark on a journey to find a Double Baby Carrier.
MarchI turn 28...
I start making more homemade baby food...
We start looking for a new home with a big backyard.
Reese & Charlotte turn 3...
They also join the land of going on the potty...
I feel the itch to make the jump into a photography business I've always wanted...
I think about using
only cloth diapers...
Susan Boyle changes Reality TV.
MayI start taking my camera everywhere...
I do my 1st real photo shoot...
Ella decides she wants to live for Jesus...
And the babies start cutting teeth.
Ella turned 5...
We put our house on the market...
I introduced our crazy crew to the pool, people stare...
And I
buckled under the pressure of being a mom to many small children.
JulyWe celebrate the 4th...
I begin learning a lot about friendships...the good and the bad...
I start finding myself saying, "my friend that I know through blogging..."
And I realize how blessed I am from all your encouraging words, comments, and love that you all pour into my life.
AugustI confess my
love for pj pants...
Eric & Reese fall in a local restaurant that puts them in the ER...
We decide on an amazing and incredible preschool/academy for the girls...
And Ella has her 1st day of Kindergarten...
I start baking pumpkin goodies...
I write a
poem about Target...
And Reese & Charlotte start preschool.
OctoberI'm overwhelmed with all our showings...
I decide I don't want to sell our home...
I catch the flu right before Halloween...
Our house sells.
NovemberKinley & Raya turn 1...
I can't believe it...
I get some great deals on black Friday...
We move out of our home on Thanksgiving...
Move in with family, and start looking for a new home.
DecemberDecember proves to be the most stressful time in our 6 years...
I start driving 45min each way to the girls school...
Eric works around the clock...
We get an up close view of how stress can affect a marriage...
And we struggle to just keep our heads above water.
Whew! So here we are.
A new day, a new year.
Not to mention a new season of the Bachelor starting this Monday! Sorry...I'm not the only one that watches am I??
I am sooo incredibly thankful for a fresh start, and we are looking forward to seeing what God has planned for our family in 2010!!
Happy New Year!