Saturday, January 16, 2010

What's Your Outlet?


I loovve that we all have so much in common! Just think - if we lived in the same town we could get "time out of the house" and meet for coffee, or walk around Target, talk about blogs, or just sit in the much sought after silence!! Ahhh, sounds like bliss :).

You know a few other things I love? (um, yes, Target...and Chickfila...and my pj's) Ahem, besides those things...

I love music, and I loovve singing in the car. Yes, I am that person.

I also adore Candy Hearts during the Valentines Day season. Love. Them.

And finally, I loovve 3 day weekends! It's great knowing that we don't have to get up and going in the morning - we can just make pancakes and relax. These weekends are especially nice after a really loonng, crazy week. You know those weeks. When Tuesday feels like it should be Friday, and you start to think the men in white suits are going to show up and take you away to a padded room where you can beat your head against the wall freely...

You don't have those weeks? Yea I don't either.

Oh I kid, I kid.

So anyway, thank you sooo much for letting me in on your hobbies and stress relievers - I love reading about them!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Original Post...

I'm curious. What do you do when if you get some time to yourself or time out of the house?

I love laughing with girlfriends, it's the perfect medicine. This past week my friend whipped up some nachos while we were hanging out watching The Bachelor...

Which by the way, ABC - could we take the trashy down a notch, and only allow Jake to cry once an episode? I'm just sayin'.

Anyway. We made Paula Deen Nachos, and they were must try them. We used chicken instead of chili, and they turned out amazing.

So back to the topic. What's your outlet? Do you hangout w/ girlfriends? Bible Study? Shopping? Reading? (Obviously) Blogging? Other hobbies? I want to know!!

Tell me, tell me, tell me...


  1. WOW, what a question! probably hanging out with friends and having girl time!!! My new one is watching the I never watched it before but my husband is always gone on Mondays so for the last two weeks once I put the girls to bed I watch it!!! Wow he does cry alot!!!

  2. hang with friends, computer time, chat boards, edit pictures and organize them and try to figure out how to come up wtih the money to print them! LOL Those nachos look good.

  3. well...definitely the blogging ;)
    Then I'd say time out with my matter where, just out and away! I also read every night before stuff (taking and editing) and going for a run :) And Jake??? Yep, definitely needs to man up a little....

  4. blogging is my daily thing ... but when I get some bigger chunks of time ... SCRAPBOOKING ... oh yea!

    at the end of the month, my eldest daughter (24) and I are going away together for 3 whole days to a scrapbooking retreat. can't wait! yippee! love my daughter ... love to scrapbook ... love to get time away ...

    mama of 13

  5. Well-I do like to walk around Target and look at everything tw0 or three times to make sure I am not missing anything good. If I have an extra few hours I like to go to movies with friends. Journaling is good if I only have about ten minutes.
    Iam curious about this scrap book retreat idea.
    The bachelor...they need to do a better job screening these women. I dont know why this guy is so emotional he only gets to be around these women like 6 weeks..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You said it blogging...
    I probably use it as too BIG of an
    I just love meeting new people and getting a glimpse of their life..and more often than NOT it makes me want to strive to be better in certain aspects of my life..

  8. yummmm those nachos look divine!!
    Blogging is my big one....and making my own coffee treats :)
    Oh and NAP time...everyone naps here. Everyone.

  9. Well aside from the obvious, blogging/reading blogs, I love to go shopping BY MYSELF sometimes. It's so rare these days to be able to just browse and not have to worry about what kind of mischief Lily is getting into!

    And of course, time with the girls is always great but doesn't happen nearly often enough!

    P.S. The Bachelor is totally my guilty pleasure right now -- but I agree take the trashy down a coupla notches!

  10. If I tell you, will you share those nachos? They look delish! I enjoy spending time with my girlfriends and crocheting...that really helps me calm down :)

  11. I love to sneak off to a coffee shop and catch up on blogs or just write about whatever's on my mind. And as strange as it may sound, I also love to go to the movies alone: it's so relaxing to sit in a dark theater with some popcorn and watch a movie without interruptions! :)

  12. I love to just DRIVE! Go run errands with lots of time to chill and with no time restraints. The best thing EVER is the spa but that's for a very special occasion. I love going to prayer groups at church and meeting teenagers for dinner while Nick stays home with the kids.

  13. If I'm at home I like to bake, create things with food, read cookbooks/health books, and spend time outside. If I can get away I like to window shop, browse Target, get a Coffee treat and people watch.

  14. I have a hard giving myself permission or wanting to go out to be honest. After having to leave Nugget two days or two nights a week just to work and having to arrange child care or interrupt Ralph's work to do--it feels overwhelming to leave. I love hanging at home and reading books and blogs. I have started crafting again which I'm really enjoy. Cooking is always an escape for me. I love it when girlfriends will come to me for coffee (I do have a really nice espresso machine!).

  15. Ahhh, I don't need a photograph to remember those nachos--they will be forever ingrained in my memory. I think they are our best work yet (clearly better than our first attempt at the J's queso :)), and we will be repeating them often!! And, my favorite thing to do when I get out of the house is to hang out with YOU!! Love you!!

  16. I love to quilt and look and quilting blogs and attend a quilt group once a month to chat with my quilting friends.
    I also love to spend time reading blogs - I don't get to visit with girlfriends as often as I'd like, so reading blogs is my outlet for "girl talk".

  17. Hey, I sneak over to your blog every now and again....Can I have your permission to add it to my favs?!?

    Anyway, the pictures on the side of the girls are beautiful, but totally had me stumped when I counted not 5, but 6 girls!! HA! The mirror picture totally had me :)

    I LOVE to walk my "happy place" with a coffee. Going through Target with a Starbucks in hand with no cart....simplicity, quiet and all alone!!

  18. OMGoodness. Saw a bit of Bach also and it was trashy. Come on ABC.....this is Primetime!

  19. I love to catch up on blogs and I love to sew, but that only happens in spurts. Coffee with friends is always a great time as well!

  20. Oh, yes, I was hoping for a little better showings on The Bachelor too! I mean, it's only been 3 episodes and already someone has cheated on him?

    My outlet is either reading a decorating magazine with a cup of coffee by myself or going to Crate and Barrel or Target for a little while...or any place that has decorating stuff is always fun. I just love to look and imagine how I'd redecorate if I had the money!

  21. Reading has always been my chosen outlet. A good book -- and this sounds so cliche, but true -- can transport me from the mundane parts of my day and into someplace amazing. But not having as much time to read as I used to (mainly because of blogging!), I realized that I love to write too. I can release the thoughts from banging around in my head :)

    Getting together with other couples is a favorite of my hubby and I, and when it DOES happen, it rejuvenates us immensely.

  22. Okay, I would love to go to Target, you make it sound so good...i don't think we have an equivalent over here. And we don't get the bachelor either, those things aside....
    Lots and Lots of reading...more than is probably healthy, girlguiding- i'm the leader of a group of seior section girls and its so much fun as i do it with my best friend so we need many "planning meetings" in coffee shops...its where we do our best work.
    Spending time with the love of my life doing just about ANYTHING, visiting mum.

    Crafting- I've just fallen in love with my sewing machine sooooooo much....i've no skill but i love just having a go.
