Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?

How many times this year have I said, "I could use a little break...just one day to sleep in!"

Well the opportunity has surfaced for the husband and I to get away for the weekend. Sounds great, right? So why is my mind only thinking of how much I will miss my girls? And why can't I stop thinking about my youngest loves - will they be ok without me for a 2 days?

Now, the older girls love a chance to stay with grandparents...I wouldn't know why...it's not like they get spoiled there :)! But the babies, they are only 9 months, what if they keep looking for me, and what if they need me to snuggle with them, and...

Oh mercy, I am one obsessed mama.

What would you do? Do you all take a weekend off here and there? Would you grab at the chance to get away at the lake - just you & your husband? Am I worrying to much? C'mon, be honest...

Do I need to get a grip?!?!?


  1. Kate you have to go! It will be so good for you and your husband to get away...it is only a couple of days!! My husband and I got away for the first time, in 10 years, this year for my birthday! We did miss this kids but it was so nice just having our own time!! Being so faraway from family, we hardly get the opportunity to do things like that, so I would do it while you can!!

  2. I think you care because you are a great mom! Some people can't wait to get away from there kids and I think that is sad. I get such a kick out of my kids and love being with them. It is so important though to get time with your husband and to keep building that relationship, I say go! Your kids really will do great!

  3. Go...you will have so much fun once you're there. I always feel bad leaving mine, but I think it's the anticipation and the actual leaving that's the worst...then once you are away....you are glad for the break. I feel your pain though. No matter when we plan to go away, even if it is just an hour away for one night, I feel sad leaving them behind. But, I still think you should do it!

  4. OH my... I am on the fence on this one! They are so young yet.
    I think as you drive off, it will be hard you. However, after you and hubby are away and you don't have to worry about changing diapers, there will be a little bit of "oh yeah" moments going on. lol

    What is your husband saying??

  5. Oh I think it is all normal. But DO it. GO away with him. Have fun! Rekindle and decompress. I bet you and the girls would love it (the time apart and the coming back together refreshed part.) Besides maybe after your trip away with your hubby (who I think you might need to highlight on here so we know more) we (your readers) might be hearing about a new addition to your family....maybe a boy set of twins. Wouldnt that be fun! So my vote...GO! but you arent being silly about missing them.

  6. I say go. If for no other reason than to remind your husband that he is a priority to you. One of the best ways for parents to love their kids well is to love each other well. And you never know how long it may be before this opportunity comes up again!

  7. I say TOTALLY get a grip and GO!!

    ehem...I mean, it sounds like a lovely opportunity and I think it would be savvy ;) to take advantage of it!

    You will miss them...but MAKE yourself focus on your time ALONE and with your HUBBY!! I love when I get those times! and you will only be a better mama when you return! =)

  8. WHAT!? JUMP at the chance! Of course I say that, but I would feel the same way. Your girls will do great- even the littlest ones- while you are gone. You will come back refreshed! Every mom needs a chance to get away every once in awhile!

  9. I am an obsessed momma too. I hardly take time off. But... I think you would really enjoy it and it would give you and hubby a chance to reconnect.

  10. Definitely go! Sleep and eat in peace for a couple days!! GO GO GO. Now, if I ever ask you this question, please tell me the same thing because I am a little weird when it comes to leaving the kids overnight too :).

  11. Go. They'll live, you'll live. You'll all be destressed and reenergised.
    You'll miss them but in a good way. But they may not "miss" you quite so obviously.
    I love my kids but I need that down time and time to spend time with my husband, but there is a lot of loving that happens when we get back (except the girls are too busy drawing/ dressing up/ baking/ building castles/ reading to really let me).

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