Monday, August 31, 2009

Well That Backfired

Saying that I love my "pajamas" is a total understatement. I often refer to them as "lounge pants & my favorite sweatshirt." It sounds better.

Why would I need to make it sound better? Why would I need to justify these clothes? Because I change into them everytime we return home. Give me my black yoga pants and my old high school sweatshirt, and I am one happy lady. Call it crazy, call it insane, call it whatever.

I like to call it, wonderful.

I admit (because the truth will set you free), that there have been times when I have to think for a few minutes, "what are the chances of running into someone at Kroger in my flannel pajama pants...and how much would I care at this point??"

In the land of spitup, babyfood making, diaper changing, applesauce dodging, kid chasing, and floor scrubbing (you know, if I actually scrubbed my floors) - Lounge clothes (you see how I use that term, sounds better, huh?) are just practical. It is a running joke in the house to see how long it will take for me to change clothes after we walk through the door.

Roughly 30 seconds on a slow day.

Anyway, I didn't think much of it until this situation surfaced:

Oh yea, that is her lunchtime.
She has also picked out her most comfortable clothing item, and hops into it as soon as we get home. Is that bad? Or can we just chalk it up to getting a head start on bedtime?

I don't think this a battle I want to fight, and I truly have bigger fish to fry (not literally, I actually don't eat fish).

So what do you think? Let her be comfortable or make her stay in her "daytime clothes?"

Please say let her be comfortable...I don't want to have to give up mine either!!!


  1. haha i totally do the same thing! right when I get home I run upstairs and change..and I don't even have kids yet! you should just let her (i'm saying this for your own sake)!

  2. I immediately change into my(ahem) "lounge clothes" when I get home from work. My 6 yo son also changes into his favorite comfy, PJ's"(that he will wear for 6 days in a row if I will let him, LOL). I say let them wear whatever is comfy.

  3. Don't ya just love doing that??

    I tell ya what tho-- if someone knocks on my door, you should see me do the mad dash getting out of those clothes!

    Who knew I could do hurdles at 35??

  4. You better believe that if we have nowhere to go on any given day, we are all staying in our PJ's. If you can't be comfortable in your own home, where can you be? At least that's how I look at it. :)

  5. I say ... buy her some comfy sweat pants and a cute girly sweatshirt.

    We stay comfy around our house, too. And ... I have done the hurdles and sprint to my bedroom when the children answer the door and I hear the voice of one of my husband's friends (and it's past noon).

    mama of 13

  6. I say, let her be comfortable! Of course, this is coming from someone who is still wearing not just her "pajamas" - but these are also the clothes I wore yesterday. And I've been out in public already this morning! :)

  7. Go for the comfie! We actually all changed into jammies last night (it's cold where we live) for dinner and had a special meal. Such a blessing to meet you today.

    Hugs from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  8. I do it too! We should all be comfy in our own home :)
