Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Guess I'm Packing My Bags

Well the Jury seems to be in agreement - I need to get out of town for a couple days :).

So this Saturday, Husband and I are going to head out of town. My oh my, what on earth am I going to do without these little ladies to keep me busy!?

Looking at that pic makes me want to pack them all up and take them all with us! But they are going to be getting some serious love, from some amazing grandparents - and what kid doesn't love that!?

Even though I am really nervous to be away from my loves, it will be fun and relaxing to get away and officially have some "time off" with this guy...

We're going to stop at some outlet malls, go out on the lake, and hopefully, I will get to take a couple naps ;)!

I'm sure come Saturday night I will need some more reassurance that my crew is ok without mama for 48 hours ;)!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. Oh my goodness, when did Judy get her hair cut? I LOVE it!! Love the pic of Eric and the little babes, too. You guys are going to have a fabulous time, and the ladies will do great! Tell Jude she can call me if she and Bob need some relief. :)

  2. Have a fantastic time, mom! You DO deserve it.

  3. Go ... and have FUN!

    For the past 25 years of parenting, my dear husband and I have always made it a priority to get away for at least 1 weekend every year. We don't have any involved grandparents, so we often had to ask 5 or 6 friends to watch 2 or 3 kids each. It took a lot of work, but it was always worth it.

    Now, our wonderful young adult children can handle things so well that we were able to leave 8 younger kids home alone with the 21 y.o. brother for 6 WEEKS last year, while we were in Ghana for our adoption. Then, just 4 months after bringing home 3 new kids ... the older ones sent us off on a 10 day vacation to Florida and the Bahamas ... PAID FOR by our young adult children. Woohoo!

    You are BLESSED to have grandparents in your children's lives.


    mama of 13

  4. Have a wonderful time! I love the pic with the girls all lined up. So cute!

  5. I love that shot of them sitting. :) So cute......

    This is random but what did you do for potty training? Did you use a little potty or a seat on the big potty? Any advice? I'd appreciate.

  6. My parents (raised 6 kids and married 35 yrs so far) gave us the advise to "get away" and "do date nights" when we married.

    We took that advise and its been the best thing we've ever done! Its hard to leave sometimes but SO worth it!

    Have a BLAST!!!


  7. Good for you! I hope that this weekend is just amazing for the two of you... and that you will be able to rest easy, knowing your babies are being taken care of by someone who loves them *almost* as much as you. :)
