Friday, August 14, 2009

Sweet Sitting Sisters

I can't get enough of this picture - I had to share real quick.

That look on Raya's face says something like, "Are you seriously touching me again?? I love ya, but could you give me a little space?!"

Hope you all are having a good Friday!


  1. Adorable picture! What kind of camera do you use? I'm thinking about getting a new one.

  2. lol-- definitely lots of little captions with this one!
    Cute models too! :)

  3. That is so sweet! They are adorable!

  4. That looks like it's exactly what she's thinking! Too cute!

  5. How precious! This reminds me of me and my sisters when we were little. (Also my own daughter and son, now many years ago.)

    Thanks for making me smile:-)

  6. That is THE best picture!!! I think you may have just read her mind!!!

  7. Such a sweet picture. You re blessed beyond measure.

    Delighted to meet you!

    Blessings from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  8. I love this picture. It reminds me of our twins because of the way they are sitting. One of our girls always sits with her legs spread way out and the other does not. They look just like this.
