Sunday, August 16, 2009

Passin' The Junk

Is the weekend already over!? We have had 5 sweet girls a little under the weather the past few days. That's right - in the past week, all of our ladies have had a temperature at some point.

They just keep passing the junk around.

So I spent a good amount of time this weekend lovin' on some sick little ones, and getting a lot of snugglin' in :). The older girls got it first, while they babes carried on like normal...

And then, my little loves got it...

Isn't she scrumptious even when she's screaming!? Not that I'm partial.

So tomorrow morning I am hoping that I have 5 healthy, happy little girls ready to face the day, and enjoy our last week of summer. I know I'm ready to get back to our normal routine!

Now excuse me while I go disinfect my house...
Or maybe I'll go to bed...
Yep, I'm going to bed.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. I am hoping with you for five happy, healthy little ladies this morning! I know that's it's rough. And praying that mommy doesn't get the junk too!

  2. Yes, I hope you are "de-junked", as well.

    Hope all is well there.

  3. ug! We just had a major flu go around in our house too. Not pretty. Hope you are all on the mend now!

  4. you have adorable girls and I love reading about them - maybe because all i have are boys.
