Thursday, August 13, 2009

Destination Unknown

Oh the last weeks of summer. A lot of our summer activities have wrapped up, and the girls are a little tired of our regular spots. So lately, I have been packing them in the car and heading out w/ no definite destination in mind.

Crazy? Maybe.

But it's been fun! It gets us all out of the house, gets us some fresh air, and we have ended up finding some new places to explore! On occasion, we end up doing some interesting things...Like finding new places for pictures...

Pretty cool, huh? Ella is always my willing photography helper - love that girl. Not sure if it is an ideal location for kiddos (they might be to little), but it would be fun for couples and such.

Today we also ended up stopping by a random park. They played a little, but then we all crumbled under the heat & humidity. You know when kids get real hot and start to melt down?? That was me. There is nothing cool (and when I say cool, I'm talking about temperature - because obviously if I was talking style...then I am clearly cool. What? I'm in denial? Anyway...) about carrying a park blanket, pushing a stroller, and hauling my heavy baby backpack around in this heat.

I can do hot - but I don't do really hot. Unless we're at the pool, and even that is questionable sometimes.

So anyway, on the way home, the younger girls feel asleep in the car, and I decided to drive around a bit more and enjoy the peace & quite - and the air conditioning.

I came across this graffiti wall, and decided to get a few more pics. I love "downtown/city pictures", so graffiti walls are right up my alley.

Today we might hang around the house. I need to do a deep cleaning on the car before the school year hits. And believe me, the car has taken a beating this summer - we have ran a lot of errands - so who knows what I will find under those seats!

Happy Thursday, all!


  1. Ooh! Love that wall! I think we crossed paths again at the water park on Monday. I was heading in and you were heading out. Was that you?

  2. How hot is it there? It was been a cool this summer here but for the last two days it has been hot here. By hot I mean 34-36'C {that would be 96'F} and people swarmed to the beaches {LOL}. Today it is cool again.
    When does school start there? We have until September 10th this year. I'm actually not sure if we will start homeschool the same day as public school or if we will start in the beginning of September. We will see.

  3. Love that picture of Ella up against the wall!

  4. Oh wow..your pictures are amazing! I just came back to NJ from cali and I had gotten used to the warm weather of cali but was not prepared for the humidity and rain in nj! Have a great night :)

  5. I haven't been here lately! Love your new look! You are quite the adventurer with 5 little girls in tow!

    Blessings, Leslie

  6. Love that wall! You will have to share where you found that! :)

    I can't believe the summer is almost over! Kind of sad, kind of happy!

  7. Love this post! Totally relate. Sometimes we go for rides just to get out the house - and save my sanity! And I'm totally with you on the hot-ness lately. Ready for fall, for sure! :)
