Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Never Ending Party

Well it's final. After much consideration, prayer, and advice on homeschooling, private schools, and public schools, we decided to enroll Ella in a Private School that we love for Kindergarten. I took her today for her "interview", and to turn all our papers in. I decided to take all 5 girls to the meeting...why not, I might as well get a small glimpse of what my new morning schedule will look like - coming in just 5 weeks!?! When we walked in, I didn't know whether to say:

"Hi, I'm Kate, and these are my many girls..." or "Private School, meet the Never Ending Party - Never Ending Party, meet Private School..."

Not only will Ella be attending, but Reese & Charlotte will go there for preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings...that's right, Target can sleep easier now knowing that they will get some relief from our morning shopping trips, w/ my "multiple multiples" at least twice a week. You're welcome, Target.

I thought that I'd throw in my wordless Wednesday pics here too...this little girl is sooo much fun right now - just a sweet, sweet joy.

Happy Wednesday, all!


  1. LOVE IT!! Reese is SO photogenic! Give them all a big squeeze from me. I'll be home soon... :)

  2. Yay!! This is exciting stuff, mom. Get your camera ready for the "1st day of school" photo session.

    And did someone say.. Target?? :) I (heart) the $1.oo bins!!!!

    Cute, Cute pics! :)

    -When are you coming to TN?

  3. Love the first pic... great in black & white. Have fun on your Tuesday & Thursday mornings.

  4. Those pictures are adorable! Love them in Black and white!
    Good luck with sending them off ot the first day of school!!!

  5. I think that will work out really great... Maggie goes to a small Christian school that has a preschool as well... and since the twins want to do EVERYTHING she does, I think it's going to work out quite nicely when it comes time for preschool :)
