Thursday, July 16, 2009

8 Months!

And I will say it again: Time, please slow down!!

I truly can not believe Kinley & Raya are 8 months old - my babies will be 1 before I know it! Oh there are so many things I adore about these little girls...

...the sweet dimples on their elbows...
...those chubby little hands...
The way they love swinging together just like Reese & Charlotte used to...
...and oh those amazingly adorable chubby legs...

I love you girls, more than you could ever imagine!


  1. Oh my... and don't forget their cherub faces! :)

    I agree. Time needs to stop. My two are having birthdays this week.-- and my youngest will be turning 3.

    I need to stop. Where is my Kleenex?

  2. So precious! Lauren is six months now and it does seem to be going faster this time around! And I LOVE the swing picture - that's how our twins STILL swing! :)

  3. So the chubby legs! :)

  4. Time flies! I finally joined the Mommy with 5 group....we welcomed our son Lincoln last week!
    What a blessing.

  5. Awwww, this post got me all sappy and weepy! I miss everything about that stage, as well, esp the chubby hands and being able to put them in the same bucket swing together. I can't believe how fast their babyhood goes by!

  6. I know exactly how you feel! My little girl turned 8 months on the 6th!! It makes me so sad at times... I miss the little baby in her already! SHe will be one before I know it! I tell her everyday to just SLOW DOWN!

    I love the picture of them in the swing together... too cute!

    Happy eight month birthday, girls!

  7. so so so cute! it IS going too fast isn't it!!!

