Friday, May 29, 2009

It's A Giveaway Party!

It's time for a Giveaway Party!!

All of you love some cute stuff for your kiddos right!? Well, we have the place for you to get some goods! My little women have already been spoiled by this boutique, and I just can't get enough of it!

Savvy Little Women and 4 Little Men and Girly Twins are teaming up to do a Giveaway to Carabella's Baby & Childrens Boutique!

2 blogs, 2 prizes, 2 chances to win, 1 Party!!

This is such an amazing store with some of the cutest kids & baby stuff around. You won't want to miss out on this!

Want the details? Here we go:

The giveaway will be for a $50 gift card to Carabella's.
Leave a comment including what you want most from the boutique.
Then head over to 4 Little Men & Girly Twins and enter again!
What do you think you will get with your gift card??


Or this?

Or how about these!?

The giveaway is now closed! FYI, I pick the winner using And the winner is:
Congrats! Please contact me with your info!!

Head over to 4 Little Men & Girly Twins to see if you won there!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back Up Plan

I have always refused to step into one of these, until we were at the park last week and I was left with no other option with my 3yr olds. And due to a much expected, terrible, disgusting, wanted to hose us all down with lysol, experience in here, one thing is clear...
I need a back up plan.

But since I have 5 of these:

And not even one of these:
(love that this little guy always wants his cowboy boots on, even when he is rock climbing)

"Going" behind a bush is not an option for my 5 loves. So I put in an order for this:

This thing is called a Potette, and appears to be the answer to my potty problems at the park.

Small and compact?!
Removable liners?!
Anything other than the porta potty!?
I'll take it!

Check out the website, it has great reviews, and is a great price! Here's hoping it works!

Drooling For All She's Worth

.....This time last year, the day after Memorial Day, I found out I was pregnant with another set of twins :) :). My oh my, look at what a year can do.....

.....Raya is getting some teeth.....
.....I think we may be seeing some poke through very soon.....

.....This is what she has been doing for the past 2 weeks, I had to get some pics of it.....
.....It's hard to smile big with your hand in your mouth, but she does a pretty good job :).....

.....Love this little girl.....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Long Weekend & Pictures

Nice long weekend, sunny weather, and a couple sick/worn out little girls!
I think we have been enjoying friends & this amazing sunny weather a little too much lately (if that is even possible ;)), these little women need a couple days to just rest! They need to get ready for this girl to come back on Monday:

Ella is at the Lake with Grammy & Papa, and is so excited that the pool will be open when she returns. She loves the pool...just like her Mama :).
I'm already ready for her to be back, I miss my Ella Girl!

Last week I did picture's for a family and I wanted to share two of my favorites. It was so much fun, the pics turned out great, and all 4 kids did wonderful. Not to mention the Mom is one of my favorite ladies on the it was a privilege to do this for them :).

Hope you all are having a great, long weekend!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moms By Heart - Guest Post!!

I am super excited to have Lori here from Mom's By Heart. I "met" this awesome Mama through Blissully Domestic, and let me tell you, I'm so glad I did! Somehow between managing 5 kiddos, she finds time to run her amazing blog that helps many of us save some money! Today, she is going to share some of her best money saving tips with us. She must know me well, she made a list.

Oh how I love a good list.
Welcome Lori, we're so glad you're here!

Here she is:
Early last year, my family began to feel the crunch of the economy in a big way. I’ll be honest. At that point in my life, I was a seeit-likeit-buyit kinda gal. I had no idea how to be frugal. But these new challenges required a new lifestyle. So with the help of some great blogs, I began learning all I could about couponing and bargain shopping. Within just a few months I was able to implement this new information and cut our household expenses in half.

Since there are so many folks struggling in this dismal economy, I want to share the top ten things I’ve learned that have saved my family the most money:

1) Have an organized and plentiful coupon stash – the best place to find coupons is still the Sunday paper. Get a sneak peek of coupons that will be in the upcoming paper listed each Thursday afternoon HERE.
2) Match coupons with sales and deals – This sounds like a daunting and time consuming job. And it would be were it not for blogs! Visit The Grocery Gathering over at BeCentsable for a long list of blogs that match sale ads with coupons. All the work is done for you! Just scroll through and find the store you need. You can make your list, grab your coupons and go! Combining coupons with sale prices is the best way to get stuff for free or nearly free.
3) Know your prices – It helps to know when things are at their lowest prices. There are two ways to do that. The first is to familiarize yourself with store sale cycles. I have a month-by-month list HERE. The second is to keep track of prices at your local store. Most of the time, prices are on a three month rotating cycle. Choose twenty items that you buy most often and write down their price each week for 12 weeks. It might look something like this:
YourBrand Pasta Sauce:
1- $1.49
2- $1.49
3- $1.19
4- $1.49
5- Buy one get one free = $.75 each
6- $1.39
7- Dollar sale $1.00
8- $1.49
9- $1.29
10- $1.49
11- $1.39
12- $1.49
If you purchase one can per week for 12 weeks, you’ll spend $15.95. If you buy all 12 during week 5 when they’re at the lowest price you’ll spend $9 for a savings of $7 or 44%. Multiply that savings over 20 items for 52 weeks and you’re talking some serious savings!
4) Take advantage of FREEs – Look for TRY ME FREE stickers or hangtags on products in the store. Scan your Sunday inserts for rebate forms. If you’re lucky enough to live near a Staples or Menards, you’ll find oodles of free-after-rebate opportunities each month on everything under the sun.
5) Ask for a deal – Check out THIS article by the Wall Street Journal about how to get your cable and phone bills lowered just by asking!
6) Have a plan, Stan – Since I’m no Martha Stewart, I occasionally have those crazy days when the last thing I want to think about is what to make for dinner. These are the days when my budget is in greatest jeopardy because I just want to break down and order a pizza. But with a meal plan and a few items prepared in the freezer I’ve saved a ton by skipping the convenience foods. For meal planning inspiration, visit the OAMC Group at Recipezaar HERE, Once A Month Mom blog HERE and at Menu Plan Monday at HERE.
7) Save on children's clothing – I love the Sears KidVantage program. If your child wears out his/her shirts, jeans or shoes before they outgrow them, you can take them back to be replaced FREE! Every two months I visit Sears with all the jeans and shoes in hand for replacements. My kids always look nice and the budget stays intact. I also watch for in-store and online sales at Gymboree, The Children’s Place and Gap Kids. Since these are sought after name brands, when the kids outgrow them I can resell them on eBay and recoup much of my cost, especially if I got them on clearance to begin with! In the end, I save as much (or more) on clothes as I would buying at thrift stores.
8) Make it yourself – This economy has brought many-a-mom back to the basics. We are relearning how to can and preserve food, how to garden, sew, and make things from scratch. I’m not suggesting you turn Amish. But consider the possibility of cutting an expense in one or two areas by making it yourself.
9) Be content – This was a biggie for me. In the beginning, I thought all this frugality would be restrictive. I guess I pictured myself in plaid polyester pants from the thrift store eating beans and bread by candlelight. In truth, my quality of life hasn’t changed. All the same, it was important for me to make a conscious effort to change my thinking during this challenging time. I chose to count my blessings, as cliché as it sounds, so I could stay focused and content. And it worked.
10) Give – Yep, you heard me right. There are many ways to give that require little or no out of pocket expense. You can give to food pantries out of the overflow of your well stocked pantry. You can give your time volunteering for something you’re passionate about. You can send notes of encouragement to a pastor, missionary, teacher or single mom. Giving is a big part of being content. And being content is a big part of financial success!

Wordless Wednesday

Ella's 5yr Picture. Wow, I can't believe she will be 5 in 2 weeks!
...My oh my, time goes by fast...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Refreshed, But Way Behind

Last night I started a Bible study with some of my favorite girls. I am so thankful for their encouragement, and for refreshing.
Praise the Lord for good friends, good laughs, and half price appetizers :).

Today however, the laundry has to get done.
I am way behind.
And I have waited for it to fold itself, but it's just not happening.

So this morning I will tackle this...

And more of this...

And hopefully this afternoon we can get out and do a little of this...

And maybe even this...

Here's hoping that I make it out from under the laundry pile!
Hope you all are having a great day & get to enjoy some of this sunshine!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Splish, Splash...'s almost summertime.....

.....and I have a few girls that are more than ready for some fun in the sun.....

Since the pool isn't open yet, the girls and I headed to the fountains in the middle of town the other day with some friends.

They loved it! Ella has been waiting, and waiting for this...

Like I said, 2 peas in a pod

Busy, busy little feet

Someone had to go potty, but could not pull herself away from the water...

Besides, who has time for potty breaks when you could be doing this!?

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

6 Months!

I can't believe my babies are 6 months old! They are such amazing little loves. I simply can't get enough of their sweetness.

Kinley, you: are super sweet
quiet, and content to play on your own
weigh 16 pounds
laugh when your sisters talk to you
smile even at strangers
love pears and peaches
love sweet potato's
are just now moving into 6-12mo clothing, and can still wear a lot of your 3-6mo clothes
sleep all night
take about 3 naps a day
get excited when you see mom or dad
are always kicking your legs and squirming around
love taking walks in the stroller
love looking at yourself in the laugh every time
love chewing on play rings/links

I bought these little monkeys when I was still carrying you both. I had no idea that you would love them sooo much!

Raya, you: are a true, and total Mama's girl (and I love it)
smile all the time
weigh 18 pounds
wear 6-12mo clothes
sleep all night
take about 3 naps a day
roll over
smile at strangers who stop to see you
love sitting in your Bumbo chair
love apples and pears
love being outside
think your sisters are hilarious
smile when you see mom or dad
grab for anything you see
love chewing on your blanket

We love you, our sweet baby girls!

Also, Eric's birthday is today. We are just going to have a little family celebration. Just the 7 of us :). The girls are looking forward to celebrating daddy, and can't wait to give him their little surprises. I'll post pics later :)!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wild Days

Well, maybe not wild, but busy.

After preschool drop off yesterday, we headed over to Target...I know, big surprise. And although it is one of my favorite stores, my crew and Target aren't always a great match. But I had to pick up a few things, and the girls had to use the restroom, why not?

Ella has a birthday party coming up and I was looking through the invitations in the party aisle. The girls were looking quietly at all the favors, the babies were sleeping, life is good.

You know what I would do if I worked for Target? If I was a marketing expert for Target? I would put 30 cans of silly string on the bottom shelf in the party favor section. That is a great place for them! There is no way a 3 yr old is ever going to understand how to remove the lid and start spraying her sister down...never.

Sweet Mercy

Oh, Target. We have had an interesting season haven't we? Our local store has received a full dose this preschool year on what shopping with multiples is like...well, more on what shopping is like with 2yr old multiples. (just turned 3) They are sweet, but they are also...uh, well...adventurous.

Chaotic situations sometimes calls for Starbucks.
I'll have a Grande Mocha Frappucchino Light, please.

One thing is certain, and always consistent though...even on my wildest day...

Whether they are coming...

Or whether they are going...

These 2 little girls are like 2 peas in a pod. And that, is well worth the chaos.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Keep Spinning

...Just keep spinning...

...Just keep spinning...
...and spinning...
...and spinning...

This little girl was having tons of fun at a local park today. She entertains herself so well...even though she does have another half that keeps her entertained a good amount too :). They love to say, "just keep spinning" instead of "just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo. Crazy, funny, sweet little women...there is never a dull moment!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

She Thinks She Can Resist

.....I love how Reese tries not to smile.....

.....she's doing good, but she can't help it.....

.....there it is! who could ever resist this sweet little face!?.....

Love, love, loovve this girl!

Happy Monday!