Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Drooling For All She's Worth

.....This time last year, the day after Memorial Day, I found out I was pregnant with another set of twins :) :). My oh my, look at what a year can do.....

.....Raya is getting some teeth.....
.....I think we may be seeing some poke through very soon.....

.....This is what she has been doing for the past 2 weeks, I had to get some pics of it.....
.....It's hard to smile big with your hand in your mouth, but she does a pretty good job :).....

.....Love this little girl.....


  1. Cute pics! Just curious, do twins run in your family? I have sisters who are twins. It runs on my mom's side of the family. Two of my brothers-in-law have siblings who are twins. I keep wondering if any of my nieces or nephews will have twins once they're married.

  2. No prob, we get that question all the time! :) They actually don't...at least not really. Only one set on each side. We never thought we would have 1 set of twins, and surely not 2!! They are a huge blessing!

  3. Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement. Your girls are darling!! I can't imagine your life, 5 girls 4 and under. The thought makes my head spin! Whew!! :) I can't imagine all the giggles you must hear, how fun. Blessings to you and your family

  4. I'll never forget running into you at the Target parking lot right before I was due and you telling me you were pregnant with twins!! Then I went into labor that night!! Can't believe Addison will be one in a week and a half and I can't believe how big the girls are getting!

    Sorry I have been such a slacker with calling you. Things have been crazy here. We are getting ready to put our house on the market so we have been doing a lot of projects. School is out after this week so that should help. Are they doing the movies again this year?

    We definitely need to plan a playdate. Maybe we can do a picnic at the park. Let me know what you think. Talk to you soon! :)
