Saturday, May 23, 2009

Long Weekend & Pictures

Nice long weekend, sunny weather, and a couple sick/worn out little girls!
I think we have been enjoying friends & this amazing sunny weather a little too much lately (if that is even possible ;)), these little women need a couple days to just rest! They need to get ready for this girl to come back on Monday:

Ella is at the Lake with Grammy & Papa, and is so excited that the pool will be open when she returns. She loves the pool...just like her Mama :).
I'm already ready for her to be back, I miss my Ella Girl!

Last week I did picture's for a family and I wanted to share two of my favorites. It was so much fun, the pics turned out great, and all 4 kids did wonderful. Not to mention the Mom is one of my favorite ladies on the it was a privilege to do this for them :).

Hope you all are having a great, long weekend!


  1. Hi Kate! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! It was fun to see you and your adorable girls at the park the other day! My girls LOVE your girls! We should get together again for sure!
    Your photography is beautiful! I wish I had the gift!! How useful with children!
    Hope to see you guys again soon! Have a great Memorial Weekend!!


  2. Hey Kate! Love the pictures. You did a great job! Can you tell me what kind of camera you used? I am window shopping right now for a different camera. I want to go a bit fancier than my point and shoot.

  3. Great pictures, Kate. You are definitely a natural photographer! Sweet pic of Ella too!

  4. Love the train tracks. Have a fun weekend. Long ones are great!!!

  5. love, love, love the last photo... she is so cute in that hat!

  6. Those are amazing pictures. I wish I had half your talent.

    Ps. I left an award for you on my blog
