Monday, May 21, 2012

I Have A Lot Of Feet To Cover...

And I like to cover those sweet toes with the best of the best.

It's been a month since Ella and I flew to the other side of the country to hang out with the folks at Nike. Have I mentioned that we loved every second of it? And that the people and the company and all their products are amazing? I thought so. The video they made of that weekend was SO great to see...
Pretty cool, eh?

I have been running for quite some time. And I've been an athlete for even longer than that. In fact, when we walked into the Nike Research Lab I said, "Oh goodness, the smell of the track, I love it.".

It just brings back memories. Good memories. Strong memories.

After we learned so much at Nike about the new Nike Free's, I knew I had to give them a go. I wore them the whole time we were there, and by the end of the trip, I knew they were made for my early morning runs.

Folks, I don't write about things on the 'ol blog unless I'm passionate about it. So hear me when I say that you must try these shoes. They are so light and so flexible, I promise you will thank me - actually, you'll be thanking Nike.

And let me get just a tad girly on you all. The new colors they have out right now are nothing short of fabulous. Mine are so, so bright and I get LOADS of compliments. How great is it that you can have a rockin' pair of running shoes that are super stylish as well?

Train more effectively AND look cute while doing it? Um, yes please. You can find my kicks here.

Our group from that weekend had so many great people...

Ella and I are 3rd from the left :).

Good memories. Great times.

I even put Lincoln in some flexible shoes of his own, and they are hands down the best shoes I've ever had for a new walker. And that says a lot cause I've had a lot of new walkers in my time.

He'll be the star Quarter Back in no time.

So anyway, take my word on these shoes. They are fantastic! Kids Nike FREE Run: If your feet flex, shouldn't your shoes flex too? Must-have flexibility for young feet.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike


  1. So great that you and Ella have so many wonderful memories from the trip...and so many fun products to use now :) LOVE those little athletic feet on Lincoln!!

  2. I love Lincoln's shoes! I should consider some for E.

  3. We have a lot of track and cross country runners in our family, and they only buy Nike. (And, mama wore Nike running shoes back in my track days . . . oh about 35 years ago. Yikes!) However, gotta tell you, my 2 teens bought Nike Free's for track season last year, and ended up with a lot of arch problems. Just not enough support for my kids. This year, they stuck with Nike, but had to go with a shoe with more support. They were so sad, because they really did like the Nike Frees.

    :) :) :)
