Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Chain Of Events

I put him down...

The worried look sets in...

The lips comes out...

He confirms to all who will listen that this is the worst moment he's had in 13 months...

And then I pick him up and give him whatever his little manly heart desires...

He knows how to work the system. Already.

Oh well, how can I resist that quivering lip??


  1. awww! look at that sweet boy! and his cheeks!!

    i love that you took pictures of this,something i would do too :)

  2. Ethan has a look that is very similar. It is heartbreaking and hilarious all at the same time.

  3. Oh that attachment toddlers get, they want to be 'SO' independent as long as mommy is close by and watching. He is adorable.

  4. Eek! I wouldn't be able to resist either! Can't wait to hug that darling in person!
