Monday, September 5, 2011

A Tad Under The Weather...

We had the best long weekend together.

And even though the weather outside was amazing, Lincoln and I have been a little under the weather. So him and I have been taking it easy...

and resting...

I was going to share some photography stuff today, answer some questions that I often get - I don't know why I don't talk about photography more on here because I love to talk about it, my friends :). But for now I'm off to bed while the Little's are asleep and try to ward off this bug I've caught.

Back soon, hope you all had a great, looonnng weekend!


  1. These are soooo adorable. Hope you both feel better soon. I can not wait to hear you talk about photography because your photos are awesome.

  2. Feel better soon! This week is a nice week for resting indoors.

  3. Praying for a swift recovery...and lots of snuggles for you!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. I'd love to hear more about your photography.
