Friday, September 2, 2011

My Favorite Pastime...

and maybe why I get a tad behind on the housework lately...

Does holding a sleeping baby ever get old???

(I usually carry him in a all time favorite brand will be giving one away here next week, btw!)

I wish I could just bottle his itty bitty sweetness...he's such a little gift...and I'm just a little in love :).

We are spending the long weekend doing work around the house, taking a family trip to the grocery, cooking out with friends, and maybe we'll hit the pool one more time before they close up shop for the season. I'm hoping for a relaxing few days with our crew.

Hope you have a great weekend, friends!


  1. he is such a cutie pie, indeed. hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

  2. Sweet boy - what a great shot!

    Have a great weekend!! :D

  3. Nothing better than holing a baby! Great photo too. :)

  4. Two questions - What kind of lens do you have on your camera, and, what colors are your camera strap? Im into making them and i have had 3 different straps on mine. The one i have now has been on for a week and i'm already to make a new one!

  5. Awww! So precious!! I love it. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
