Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They Remind Me...

that sometimes.we need a break...

that together is the best place to be...

that they need my full attention, all my hugs, and mostly...my time.

They remind me that it's important to sit and listen to what they're saying...

that they're growing insanely fast...

that I need to listen to Him so I can teach them...

and that some days were made for face painting and running through the sprinkler at home...

They remind me that this is my calling...

that this is where I serve...

that they are my priority...

that I need to set an example for them to follow...

and that they are watching my every move.

They remind me to laugh out loud...

to pray more and talk less...

to remember whats really important...

to love the ones around you...

and to embrace the day (and your sisters)...

They remind me to take a step back...

to watch what I say...

to sing and dance along to the music in the car...

and that they are 6 little pictures of God's sweet grace.

They remind me of a lot of things...those are just a few :).


  1. Love the pics and love the post. You are such a good momma to those six. So much love!

  2. What a beautiful post. Sometimes I need help remembering those things...

  3. Yes, they are good little Reminders. love the face paint!

  4. This is a the first thing I read today and it was an awesome reminder that the role of mom's and the role of raising and molding and caring for 'little one's' IS the most important of all jobs. You are so blessed, when you fall asleep at night remember that always. take care

  5. Just when I thought I had my emotions in check for the day...it's all so true! I don't want my kids to look back and say, "I wish I'd had a different mom." Praying for strength with this calling! Thanks for writing this!

  6. I'm savoring these last, special, lazy days of summer. School and a new baby will be here soon, and life will never be exactly this way again!

  7. I love this post and photos. That last one is great. You are so very blessed.
