Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fact Or Fiction?

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Fact or Fiction?

I hate plain raisins, but LOVE chocolate covered raisins.

Fact or Fiction?

I think Hummus can replace almost every condiment.

Fact or Fiction?

I had a car in High School that my friends and I nicknamed the "BMW" - even though it was clearly nothing of the sort.

Fact or Fiction?

My very straight hair is actually naturally wavy.

Fact or Fiction?

I loved the New Kids On The Block when I was young...and in a way, I kind of still do.

Fact or Fiction?

I had a really unfortunate perm in grade school.

Fact or Fiction?

I was in a bad accident while doing a summer long mission trip in which my car rolled several times.

Fact or Fiction?

In college, I scared a potential boyfriend off when I said, "I want like, a lot of kids..."

Fact or Fiction?

I started college majoring in Organizational Leadership, but finished majoring in being a Stay At Home Mom.

Fact or Fiction?

Eric was the 1st guy to ever make me feel secure.

Fact or Fiction?

We started dating in July of 2002, and we married 6 months later.

Fact or Fiction?

I was pregnant 6 months after our wedding.

Fact or Fiction?

I've had 2 miscarriages. 1 before all the girls, and 1 before Lincoln. Both at 8 weeks.

Fact or Fiction?

The Dr. told me when I was pregnant with Ella that I "had the perfect torso to carry a set of twins".

Fact or Fiction?

I wanted to name one of the girls Hazel.

Fact or Fiction?

Before I feel in love with the name Lincoln, I wanted to name him Easton.

Fact or Fiction?

One of my best friends calls me Jan.

Fact or Fiction?

I've been going to bed at 9:30pm.

Fact or Fiction?

Ella is leaving for the weekend to visit family with Eric's parents. She is SO excited - but I am counting down the hours till she gets back :).

Fact or Fiction?

I still check each of the kids every night before I go to bed.

Fact or Fiction?

My Reese and Charlotte start Kindergarten in 20 days and I will probably cry.

Fact or Fiction?

I love to drive around and sing along to my favorite music.

Fact or Fiction?

Going from 5 to 6 was a bigger adjustment for me than having twins.

Fact or Fiction?

A cozy hoodie, and an iced Starbucks coffee are 2 of my favorite things.

Fact or Fiction?

When I find a shirt I love, I will buy it in every color.

Fact or Fiction?

I love to vacuum, but I hate to mop.

Fact or Fiction?

The 1st thing Eric did in the ultrasound room when they said Kinley and Raya were girls was laugh and say "5 weddings!"

Fact or Fiction?

The way Lincoln smiles when he see's Eric melts my heart.

Fact or Fiction?

I love a good sale, and I rarely pass by a clearance section.

Fact or Fiction?

I love watching old episodes of the Golden Girls.

Fact or Fiction?

I think laughter is the best medicine.

Fact or Fiction?

I think laughing till you cry is even better medicine.

Fact or Fiction?

I know many of the Target workers by their first name.

Fact or Fiction?


All of them. :)


  1. We have tons in common. :) Mu husband thinks I'm nuts when I buy 6 of the same shirt.

  2. I love these! :) We too have a lot in common, but my favorite is about ending college majoring in being a SAHM. Me too! :) It's all I really ever wanted to do after getting engaged. Being a wife and mommy...

    We were married in the summer of 2003 and preggo with Bella 5 months later. Also, ours are 7, 5, 2(for 1 more wk!) & <1 now too. :)

  3. Awesome! I'm so glad you mentioned that going from 5 to 6 was tough. I'm feeling that way too. I thought it would be easy....not so much.

    By the way Tony and I started dating in 2001 right after Sept 11. We were engaged two weeks later and married in Feb of '02. We were pregnant with in 5 months. Too funny!

  4. We have so much in common it should be illegal.

    For serious, why did God not see fit to make us neighbors?

  5. Awesome post and fun to read. I also buy the same shirt or pants in different colors if I like them. It is hard to find a favorite.

  6. What a fun post!

    I, too, "majored in SAHM".

    5 weddings? Piece of cake. We just had our 3rd wedding in 8 months. Crazy!

    I didn't have much of a problem going from 5 to 6 because I was just glad I didn't go from 5 to 7. I definitely had a tougher time going from 3 to 5 ... since all 5 kiddos were under 5 years old.

    Just gotta say ... I LOVE Crocs. I've got 3 pair in different colors (blue, purple, lime green).

    School? Do you ever think about homeschooling. You just seem like such a homeschooling type of mama because you LOVE being with your kids.

    Hope you are enjoying your summer.

    Laurel :)
