Friday, May 13, 2011

Our Neighbors Know Us Well...

Have I ever mentioned that we love our neighbors? Well, we do. They've embraced our growing crew since the day we moved in just shy of a year ago, we really are blessed to have them.

So anyway, they brought over some gifts for Lincoln the other day, one of which proves how well they know us (me)...

I know, isn't that hilarious??

(shhh...don't tell Lincoln that there are 5 other little stars around here too, we'll ease him into that as he grows.)

(although he might already have a clue since they all act like little mothers and want to hold him ALL the time)

I just thought it was to cute not to share :).

Well, I'm off to feed that little star now, and then maybe...possibly...hopefully get some housework done.

Hope you all had a great week!


  1. how cute...and appropriate! it sounds like you have some pretty fun neighbors :)

  2. What great neighbors and that bib is too cute!

  3. So cute! Really sweet of them to do something so thoughtful! I'm sure it will look adorable on him!

  4. Ah, that is too cute! What awesome neighbors!

  5. That is too cute! haha Love that you have neighbors who know you that well. ;) I totally need to get that printed on tshirts for my girls. lol

  6. super cute. what a lovely thing for them to do..... x

  7. Haha, that bib is hilarious! Too cute! :)

  8. How cute and it looks like you may have found your new blog title!
    5 Little Savvies and their Shining Star!!

  9. Ha ha. Love it. I need one for Carsyn.
