Monday, May 16, 2011

Mom's Moves: 5 Indescribably Ways To Impress Your Family

Well, maybe not yours, but these things impress ours. And by ours, I mean, the kiddos.

Even though I am a self proclaimed home body, I have been known to say, "I'd rather be crazy in public than crazy at home." It may make no sense to anyone but me, but it's true. When the kids start climbing the walls at home, I get them out to burn off energy at the park, running errands, or you guessed it, Target.

Although my outings have decreased a bit as I adjust to my new entourage of 6. Don't worry though, I'll get back in the know, at some point.

So today, along with some other mama's, I'm going to share 5 things that my family loves to do. Keep in mind that my growing crew can get expensive to take places, so I impress them a lot at home - but here are some of our favorite things to do...

1. We run errands. You name it, we've been there. I find that the more I venture out with them, the easier it gets, and the better they behave over time. I get stuff done, and it makes them feel like we've done something. Everyone wins.

The 8 of us went to Lowe's this weekend to pick up some stuff, we put a whole new meaning to the logo, "Let's Build Something Together."...

(I was there too...behind the camera...with my little man strapped to me)

2. I buy those little plaster...ornament...craft thingys from Hobby Lobby. They are like $1 a piece and the girls LOVE them. I mean really love them. I lay some paper down, give them some paint and presto, mama has some time to get things done around the house. Or check blogs. Whatever you fancy.

3. Once a week or so we do desserts, and we do them well. The kids favorites are sundaes. Sprinkles, fudge, whip cream, you can't go wrong.

Why hello there empty but blissful calories. Good to see you.

4. We take the kids on 1 on 1 outings. This is always so very special to them. It doesn't have to be anything super fun or amazing, they just like getting some time alone with mom or dad. So when one of us has to make a quick trip to the store we take whoever is next in's always a fun little trip.

5. And by far the best way to impress around here is...a surprise. We plan something ahead of time, load them in the car, and make them guess all the way to our location :). It can be a trip to the fountains, a picnic in the park, or dairy queen for a summer treat...whatever it is, if it's a surprise, it's a really big deal.

So there ya have it...those are some of our favorite things to do - some of the tricks up our sleeves...some of the ways we stay sane by showing them a good time :).

Hope you all had a great weekend!


There’s Oreo creme under that fudge! Oreo Fudge Cremes are a thin, fudge covered cookie with an Oreo creme twist. Try them in Original, Mint and now Peanut Butter Creme and Golden! Visit Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Oreo Fudge Cremes via Glam Media. This post is sponsored by Oreo. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Oreo Fudge Cremes.


  1. I love this. I'm cooking our fourth baby currently, but have recently been looking for easy and meaningful ways to connect with my children, especially my oldest two (4 and almost 3). These are great ideas, thank you for sharing!

  2. Those empty calories look DELICIOUS :)

  3. We love "Family Errands" too! Who knew Lowe's could be so entertaining! Hope they don't care that we have a zillion paint samples now...
    Our kids are 5 (twin boys) and 8 (girl), so they love any work that seems grown-up. They don't move the lawn yet, but they are super helpers in weeding, watering, picking up twigs, etc.
    It will be interesting to see how our family entertainment changes when we add a baby this summer!

  4. Love doing ordinary things as a family that will someday be the things that create some of their greatest memories. (love the pic of you all running errands...too cute!)

  5. I might do the "5 things" on my blog..... when I get a minute! your empty calorie dessert looked pretty yum xx

  6. I so agree the more I take my blessings out the better it gets

  7. Yummy! Love that dessert. Looks great.
