Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Have A Boba Carrier For You! (Giveaway!)

Giveaway is now closed! I will announce the winner asap!

The winner is #22, Katy! Please contact me at!! Congrats!


I got a much needed nap in, and then 7 straight hours of sleep last night, mama feels SO much better :).

Remember when I told you how much I love my  Boba Baby Carrier? It seriously is the best!

I got mine this past summer and used it all the time...

Do you see the curls on that child!? I just love 'em :).

Kinley and Raya loved being carried in this carrier, they would actually bring it to me if they found it laying around the house. It is so comfy to wear, and can carry a child that weighs 15-45 pounds...

(it must have been hippie day at our house that afternoon because my hair just looks...well, hippie-ish, and really, really long.)


The Boba Carrier can also be used to carry your kiddos on your back, which is very dad friendly, and very easy on your back. I even carried the girls until I reached my 2nd trimester with this pregnancy.

So today Boba is going to give you one of their amazing carriers! Wonderful, huh?

To Enter:
You can enter 2 separate times if you'd like by leaving 2 separate comments. Please hop over to the Boba Carrier site and check out all their amazing carriers. Contest will end this time next week and I will choose a winner through The winner will receive a new Boba Carrier!

Good Luck!


  1. Hmmm! My youngest is still 23 pounds and I would LOVE to try this with her!

  2. I would love to try this. My twins are both around 20 pounds and I think this might be nice to have!

  3. I would love to try this.

  4. I have been looking for a carrier. I tried moby and got lst in the fabric, lol. Now I have 4 kids 2 and under so I definitely need something.

  5. What a fun post for memories! My friend gave me a beautiful blue carrier similar to this years ago for my fifth son. While getting out of my wheelchair at the Detroit Zoo to look at the hippos (baby was only 3 weeks old), someone stole it! Used it only that day - gone forever! I prayed that the thief would enjoy it as much as I would have. Would love to have another to give away to one of my 3 grandchildren born last year!

  6. I just made my self a Mei Tai which is a lot like this but the Mei Tai has a lot of tying and straps hanging loose. I'd LOVE to have one of these!

  7. I love seeing the bigger kids still getting a kick out of hanging with Mom and Dad.

  8. I've used the Bjorn all the time with my little guy....but it is getting quite squishy and he is getting grabby. I'd love to try him on my back.

  9. I'm pregnant with my first child a baby boy! We love hiking and all things outdoors so this would be wonderful to have!!

  10. Ooh, I would love to try this! My daughter is just growing out of her baby bjorn and I've been looking for something else! This looks perfect!

  11. our twins are 5 months old and a carrier would be welcomed!!

  12. My foster daughter is 27 pounds, and I've been looking for something comfortable to carry her in. She loves to be close!

  13. This carrier looks very comfortable, and I'd love to give it a try with our twins!

  14. I love the pattern of the birdies on the one you have in the photo. I am 6 months pregnant with a little boy also and have never tried a carrier, not even with my twins. Even though I had all the intention too. This would be a great way to start. I would love to win this but being in Australia I am probably out of the competition anyway. But a great way to finally say hi and that I look forward to reading your blog everyday.

  15. I have been wanting to get one of these for a while now. I have the sleepy wrap and i am looking for something a little less confusing to put on. :)

  16. My daughter is 7 months and i hold her all the time because she is my last. So i am allowed to spoil her! :) This would just make it so much easier to do things!

  17. Wow, I have never seen this carrier before! I have a Mai Tai, which is similar, but I'm loving the idea of padded shoulder straps and that extra buckle. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Love your baby wearing pictures. I absolutely love to wear my kids. Not only is it easier on Momma, but it's such a special bonding time, too!

  19. Oh, I just LOVE giveaways! This would be awesome for baby #2, who's on the way!

  20. I checked out their website, and I think my favorite is the one you have - SO cute!

  21. This would be perfect! We're actually planning a trip out this Saturday to look at baby carriers :)

  22. I also like the looks of this one because I have RA and carrying a baby is going to be really hard on my joints. The wider shoulder straps might help us out a LOT :)

  23. My twin girls are 4 months old, and I would love to have one of these.

  24. We have a Baby Bjorn carrier, but I would love one you can use to carry on your back!

  25. I would love to have one of these for carrying my daughter!

  26. I would love to win one of these! With two wild 4 year olds running around and a very active 7 month old I could certainly use it. :)

  27. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!

  28. i'm going to enter because:
    1. you never know
    2. if not number 1, it would make one kickin gift to a friend

  29. What a generous giveaway! I'd love to try it with a next child!

    (Your long hair was so pretty!)

  30. this is the cutest carrier ever

  31. I had a ring sling carrier when Lauren was little, but...I think I ordered it too small, and it was terribly uncomfortable. This looks simple and comfy!

  32. This is so adorable.....I love the pattern and would love to try it out with my little girl =)

  33. Awesome! I've never used a carrier before's never too late to start!

  34. I just checked out the Boba Carrier looks like a fabulous carrier and has several cute colors! Hope I win :)

  35. I was just thinking the other day "I wish I had a carrier that would hold Lydia; sometimes she just wants her Momma, and I just want to get stuff done!!"

  36. Since I have two pregnant sisters-in law, I would love to win one of these adorable carriers for them! They would be ecstatic!

  37. I checked out the Boba site and all of those pics of Boba-wearing parents and their babies are precious. Clearly wearing a Boba can bring lots of happiness into your life! :)

  38. My little sister would love this!

  39. Love it! Super cute and looks so comfy!

  40. I would love to try these with my twins. My arms aren't strong enough to carry both around too long any more!

  41. Thank you for the chance to carry around my little ones again! They love being held.

  42. I have 2 grandbabies (17 months and 2 weeks) who live in Japan. They are coming back to live in the States :) and having this carrier would make this Gramma feel alot better when it comes to traveling with 2 little ones!

  43. My best friend just found out she is going to be joining our "Gramma" club and this would be a fantastic gift for their family! Thanks for keeping a 48 year of Gramma of 4 up with the new trends! They have such wonderful fun things I wish I was having my own!!

  44. What a neat giveaway! Love those carriers, but I LOVE those curls even more!! :)

  45. I don't have kids yet but I've started stocking up on baby gear! This would be nice to add to my collection :)

  46. this would be a nice alternate to the moby wrap carrier.

  47. Oh my gosh, I love the carrier you have... so CUTE!! I think I'd get that one if I won. And I love that it can be used up to 45 lbs!

  48. Ooh, another carrier I like is the Organic Pine. I think my hubby would like wearing that one better too, lol. This would be perfect for our youngest when we take our girls to the zoo this summer!

  49. We're pregnant with our 2nd and would love to try one of these Boba carriers when he/she arrives!

  50. And boy, am I loving the "tweet" pattern you showcased! Thanks for the chance.


  51. I love the pattern on that one! I would love to win to use it for my new little baby coming!

  52. I hoped over to the site and loved seeing all the different carriers/colors they have!

  53. This would be perfect! My daughter will be 2 in march, and I'm due with #2 in June!

  54. This would be perfect! My daughter will be 2 in march, and I'm due with #2 in June!

  55. I'd love one! I could use it now and when we have the next baby! :)

  56. love reading your blog Kate! and love your little one's curls!

  57. we are expecting #4 in August...would love to try it out :)

  58. I have tried SO many carriers and I am never happy with them. This one looks AMAZING! I can't wait to try it someday. Thanks for having this giveaway!

  59. I am so excited about this carrier. It looks really cute, too!

  60. this looks sooo comfy! id love one :)

  61. Can't believe I'm entering this with a "need" to win! :) (Could you also host a giveaway for a carseat, stroller, bumbo...just kidding!)

  62. Baby wearing does sound like it's going to be so much more fun this time around with all the fun new carriers to choose from!

  63. Here's the second comment...look how ambitious I am! Took a peek at theie site and definitely like your Tweet pattern the best!

  64. Awesome! I would love to have this to give to my friend who is expecting her first baby in May!

  65. ...or I could keep it for myself for when I have a precious little one in the next few years!

  66. I have been wanting to try a Mei Tei, and this looks similar. I've got a baby girl who would look super cute & comfy in this carrier! :)

  67. I have also tried a Moby with very little luck....lots of fabric & too complicated for this mama! :)

  68. I am in love with the carrier in willow so cute!

  69. I would love to try one of these! Having a baby in July and will be running after my 4 girls as well.

  70. What a great carrier. Would love to have it for my twins!

  71. What a great give away.

  72. Read your blog all the time, love it! Never comment, but this cute carrier is worth it!

  73. So excited you are adding a boy to your beautiful family of girls- congratulations!

  74. The baba carrier is so cool! I would love to win one!!!

  75. I've always wanted a carrier that you can use on your back. i sure hope i win :)

  76. I've never seen this carrier before, but it's looks great. I have a 3 month old, so this would be perfect for him.

    Blessed Mom

  77. I love my Boba. I would love to win one to give to my friend.

  78. My first visit to your blog. I found you through Jenn. What a fresh and sweet little place:)

  79. so, I would LOVE to win this. I am expecting my third child in June and have been researching carriers. This looks fantastic!

    Thanks for the chance.

  80. What a great carrier, I have triplets so being able to carry one on my back would be great!

  81. These carriers look great, similar to an ergo, I'd love to try one out!

  82. I love your fun print on your carrier. The prices seem great too!

  83. Stumbled across your blog via my SIL! What a precious family!

  84. I had a look at the Boba website and they send to Australia. So if I can't be in the competition maybe I could purchase one down the track.

  85. I'd love to have one when my baby is reaching her 1 year old age this year!

  86. I would love a boba carrier....actually Ive been wanting one for quite some time now but just cant seem to scrape the money together to get one. My daughter is 16 months old.

  87. Oooh, this looks wonderful! We've been using a Moby wrap for my 5 week old guy, but we will need something more supportive/structured for this summer. We hike and camp a lot, so a good carrier is a must for us!

  88. I want a Boba so badly! I wear my daughter almost daily. She's 15 months and weighs 22ish pounds. I love how the Boba comes up their backs farther, which means when my daughter fell asleep, she'd be less likely do the flop backwards thing! So cute!

  89. I LOVE the Tweet Pattern! My second choice in the classic is probably Earth and then I love the Chestnut in the Organic! I didn't even have to go to the site, can you tell I stalk them much??

  90. We're expecting our third and my youngest is 18 months. This would come in super handy!

  91. I LOVE that print, so pretty and gender neutral.

  92. I have been drooling over the Bobas for a long time now. It would be awesome to win one! Though, I'm pretty sure I will have to buy one in the spring if I don't. ;)

  93. I have a 2.5yr old and a 13m old, and both love to be held. I have a Moby, but would love to have one of these for DH!

  94. I've heard so many great things about BOBA carriers.

  95. I'd love to try this carrier. My little man is 6 months old and lately all he wants to do is be in my arms.

  96. I'm pregnant with my first and definitely want to be a babywearing momma. I'd love to win!

  97. Please enter me. we are adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia and this would be wonderful. THAN KYOU!!

  98. I've read so much about these carriers. They seem awesome! Hope I get the chance to try one out with my first baby :)

  99. Please enter us. I would love to have a nice carrier for back carries. THANK YOU!!!

  100. i have a boba and LOVE it. i'd love to have a second one so that my husband and i can wear both of our kids!

  101. I'm entering for a friend of mine who is expecting her first baby in four weeks. I have a Boba and I don't know what I'd do without it and I highly recommend it to all my friends with babies.

  102. i have it in twilight, but i love the tweet.

  103. I clicked the wrong button and meant to register with my ID... I'm the anonymous above entering for a friend

  104. I would love to win this carrier.

  105. I love wearing my son! I have another baby on the way, back carriers are great when pregnant!

  106. adding a second one ;) currently ttc #4!!

  107. I love NAP! They are an amazing family owned company with great products!

  108. I would love to win this! I have a daughter who will be 2 in a couple of weeks and I am due with my second daughter on April 21st. This would be perfect! We have a moby carrier, but sometimes all the fabric is a little too cumbersome- this carrier looks perfect!

  109. I LOVE the Tweet print!! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  110. Thank you for the chance to win!

  111. I just started watching a 3 mos. old, in addition to my own 7 mos. old. This would be perfect for the days that she is fussy and wanting to be held at the same time my little guy wants some Mommy snuggles!

  112. I have tried 5 other carriers and they didn't work. Then my Chiropractor showed me the boba and I fell in love! Really would love to have this for my 9mo dd.

  113. I have 5 month old twin girls I would love to have one of these!!!

  114. I'm entering for my sister in law who will have #2 soon and is trying to figure out what to do with two little ones in the store!

  115. It would be especially nice since we will be having child #2 in September and with a disabled child who uses a wheelchair a lot, at a certain point I won't be able to leave the house by myself if I don't have a way to keep a hold of the youngest while pushing the oldest!

  116. I LOVE the Boba Classic in Tweet! Gorgeous!

    ashleycapps87 at gmail dot com

  117. 2nd entry! We are using a Boba when we bring our daughter home from Bulgaria hopefully this spring! A 2nd carrier never hurt and I can gift it to someone else :)

  118. I have my third kiddo due in May, and I'll need all the free hands I can get!

    ashleycapps87 at gmail dot com

  119. My oldest is 19 pounds, and my youngest 14 pounds! This would be perfect for us! We still LOVE our Sleepy Wrap, but it's time to upgrade!

  120. What a fun new blog to discover! Thanks for having this giveaway!

  121. I would love to win this! I've been looking for a structured carrier since my almost 2 year old is getting a little heavy for my wrap.

  122. I would love to win a Boba! Thanks so much for the opportunity!



  123. 2nd entry! And, we're expecting a new baby in 2 months and need a dad-friendly carrier for the older one!

  124. Here's my second entry!



  125. I would love a Boba! I've heard such awesome things about them but haven't tried it yet. :)

  126. I love the different colors that the Boba comes in. :) Beautiful!

  127. I love the Tweet design! I would love to have one for my daughter.

  128. I can't wait for spring and I can take my little one for walks, this would be great to have for all the walks we go on. Tweet design is so cool.

  129. I have heard such great things about boba. I would love to try it out myself.

  130. I really like the tweet one it is so cute and colorful. I hope they make more with patterns.

  131. We have a boba for our oldest and LOVE it ! I would love to win one so that we can have one for each of our boys! Thanks so much for the giveaway

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  132. our baby boy would love to be able to use this! Thanks so much for the giveaway

  133. I registered for this carrier but no one got it for me. I want this SO badly!

  134. My due date is today and my birthday is tomorrow so it would be really awesome to win this!

  135. I love this carrier!! I have the sleepy wrap and love it but i think it's time to upgrade!!!

  136. That pattern is my favorite. The Boba tweet pattern is what I would love to get!!!

  137. I love the tweet pattern! We've been stocking up on carriers for when we adopt and this is one on my list!

  138. I sure would like to win this for my daughter who is delivering baby #3 Jack any day now !!! I already have one for my late in life baby who is one year old and weighs 27 pounds. It is the only way I could possibly carry him!!

  139. The Tweet pattern is my favorite!

  140. Or...I could use a second one for us since we are planning another baby for ourselves, and my hubby could carry one (the heavier one, I hope) while I carry the other, haha!

  141. pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!!!!!!!! I have 3 kids who could definitely put some wear and tear on it!

  142. I think this carrier would be perfect for my 22 month old son. And he loves to be close to me!

  143. The carrier would be perfect for an upcoming trip!

  144. I love the colors, especially the tweet pattern!
    saywah_j at yahoo dot com

  145. Congrats on a little boy! I have 2mama's boys, but 100% boy. :o)
    saywah_j at yahoo dot com

  146. This carrier looks great, and my husband my be more apt to using it than our other carrier.

  147. Hi Kate..I really love & urgently need 1 for MY 3 mths old BABY girl! She dont' like to be put In the prams! I alwayz hv back & neck muscles pain if need to carry her around...
    I don't own a BABY carrier....
    plse....plse..plse....would need 1 right now...
    thank u....(**,)

  148. What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!

  149. DH wears our daughter a lot now, so it would be great to be able to give him his own carrier!

  150. Hi...Kate..(**,) I really need & love to own 1. Can't afford to buy one cos' I'm a fulltime mummy to 3 lovables Kids age 9,7 & 3 mths old.
    hubby alone works to support family Of 5...
    plse....plse...plse......really hope can get 1 of Boba Carrier!!!!
    Thank u....(**,)

  151. I will soon be having my 3rd baby in 4 yrs, I think this would come in handy!

  152. I would love to have a Boba for my new June squishy! Thanks! :-)

  153. Love Love Love Boba! I would love to be able to give it as a gift to a friend of mine. This carrier saved my sanity for the first year of my daughter's life.

  154. I just had a baby 2 weeks ago and would love to try out this carrier. My little guy doesn't like to be put down, so a carrier would be handy. :)

  155. I like the Classic Boba in the tweet pattern.

  156. I love the idea of a Boba. My son was born large and has never slowed down.:)

  157. We would love a Boba to carry around our big boy.:)

  158. I have an almost 5 month old that is 15lbs. I do not have any sort of carrier other than her carseat. With a separated back it is hard to carry that around and not be in more pain than normal. I saw someone wearing a Boba when they came into my job and she just raved about it. I so want one now!

  159. My friends and cousins are about to have kids too as well as one that has a 3 week old. I would love to be able to show them a Boba and hopefully get them to get one too.

  160. i have been wanting a BOBA for so. long. i feel bad making my 8-month old sit in an exercauser or johnny jump up while i'm cooking or cleaning...

  161. you have 5 girls?!?! and a boy on the way? wow. you are super mom.

  162. I think my fave is the tweet, but since I am pregnant with a boy my hubby would probably like something a little more "manly." I also really like glacier. We have a Bjorn carrier that I really like but once my girls hit about 20 pounds they got really heavy to carry on the front. Something that can also be used on the back would be super nice!

  163. I have a one year old girl and a boy on the way... this will be a great way to keep up with them!

  164. I love that this carrier looks so easy to use for toddlers!

  165. My son is 8 months old and 23# so I have been looking for something that will last awhile since he has loves being carried in the 7 sling but he's getting big for that all day.

  166. I would love this for my daughter who will turn soon! She is getting too big for her current carrier.

  167. I would love one of these, they look like great carriers!

  168. I love their two tone color schemes! Yes, one of these would be very useful!

  169. I love the tweet print and the fact that Boba has foot straps.

  170. I love that the organic boba is made in the USA.

  171. Having footrests is great for legs that have to hang all day. I would love to try them out.

  172. The foot rests and the way the spine and hips are aligned is great. I worried about the way my baby seems to hang by his crotch in his current carrier which is why it probably only goes upto 22#. The boba carrier looks like it would be much better for keeping his body, legs and spine comfortable and happy. The company is in Boulder and is very green which is another big plus!

  173. Hello! I've been keeping up with your blog for a while now, but never commented. I really enjoy your blog. You do such a great job! I feel like I can relate a bit with you, as we are expecting our 6th child in May, which will bring us to 5 girls and 1 boy too! (We only have one set of girl twins though. =) The carrier would be great for carrying one of the twins while pushing the little baby in a stroller. Blessings to you as you finish out your pregnancy and look forward to kissing your sweet little boy! =)

  174. It's getting hard to carry DD in her sling! This would be perfect!

    mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

  175. I love the look of this carrier! The fabrics are amazing!

    mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

  176. I love that Boba carriers are not so girly so that my husband can put our son on as well! I would love to win one!

  177. I really enjoyed reading the testimonials on Boba's website!

  178. I have been looking for a new carrier for my soon to be one year old. This is the one that I have settled on that I want.

  179. I love your blog & you have beautiful pictures. I nanny 3 young children and the family does not own a carrier but i have been encouraging them to get one. I would love to use this Boba when we go outside on adventures with the 3 of them.

  180. The Glacier color is great! I take my babe to work with me often, and it would be nice to have a carrier that's a little more muted in color. I love the greens as well, but they don't go quite as well with dressy clothes!

  181. I checked out the website, and they have so many cute options! Love them!

  182. 2nd comment - I look forward to wearing this while doing housework and grocery shopping. My LO loves to be held all the time!

  183. Ooh I would LOVE to try this! I love wearing my babies!
