Saturday, January 29, 2011


with my little loves...

and my man...

on the couch...

eating some ice cream :).

It's wonderful.

It was such a fun 3 days away...

with so many amazing women...

and possibly the funniest roommates in Nashville.

We had a Girls Night In pj party...

talked the night away at the (in)courage "beach house"...

and laughed till we cried.

It was so great.

But the smile on the girls faces when I walked through the door today just melted me. I think coming home to those sweet smiles was the best part about getting away in the first place!

It's always good to get away...

but there is nothing like coming home :).

Hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. welcome home!! would love to hear more about your time away!

  2. Glad you had a great time, and that you arrived home safe and sound to all your loves :)

  3. So glad you had a fun time. Hope all that late night chatting still allowed you some much needed rest???? haha I doubt it!!!!!

    tell us more.....

  4. Glad you had a wonderful time. I know what you mean about enjoying your time, but missing your girls. Have a great Sunday.

  5. So glad your time away was refreshing! Enjoy your Sunday with your family!! :)

  6. Glad that you made it home safe & sound :) I love going away too, but there's nothing like coming home.

  7. I'm SO glad that the trip went well, and you got back to those little gals quickly. I'm sure those "coming home hugs" were fabulous! :)

  8. I'm so very glad we roomed together! It was great getting to know you - and laughing till we cried with you! I saw on Twitter that you're sick; I hope you get better SOON.

  9. Had so much fun rooming with you! And laughing with you! And getting to know you!
