Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekends Are Good, Snow Days Are Better

It's just a nice surprise isn't it? The weather forecast was correct - it did snow, a lot.

This weekend was great, but super busy! I needed today to catch up a little. We had errands to run, things for the kids, a friends baptism, and 2 Christmas parties.

I love holiday parties. Aren't they the best?

We had our house church here last night for a Christmas dinner/party. I'm pretty sure that's the 1st time we've had that much food in this house since we moved in - I probably could go days without eating anything and be ok. But don't worry, I won't.

We also had a little chocolate fountain going that just didn't go as planned. I tried to make it work, but the fountain clearly hated me. We ate it anyway.

For the record, there is currently nothing I won't eat. I don't know if its a boy thing, or just the pregnancy, but I'm usually a picky eater...not anymore. I've never been this hungry.

Moving on.

This group has been a huge blessing to us, and has confirmed that this is the area we were supposed to move to - it couldn't be more clear.

We laugh, we pray, we eat, and we share our lives...

I feel at home with these people. We are super lucky to have them.

So now I'm off to finish some laundry that's been calling my name all weekend. And after lunch, its time to suit up and head outside for a snowball fight...that's all the girls want to do.

I'm hoping to get lot's of snow pics - you know, if I don't end up being a target for the snowballs.

Happy Monday!


  1. LOVE a snow day! We got a 2 hr made for a relaxing morning, but would've loved the whole day! Enjoy your girlies...and that little growing guy. :)

  2. I hope they took it easy on you with the snowballs. :) I'm also hoping you got to take some great pictures!! :)

    That boy is hungry now and that will last pretty much through high school!! ;)

  3. It must be a boy thing... all that eating!! After four boy pregnancies resulting in five boys I can say I never ate as much as I did when pregnant... especially with the twins! I think, looking back, I ate like a bird whilst pregnant with my lone daughter!
    Boys eat SOOOOOOO much & ALL the time..... I guess while you are pregnant with him, he's just getting a jump start!
    Good luck in the snow ball fight. Sounds like fun to me :):)

  4. How fun! Hope you all had a great day.

  5. Oh my! I look rotund! I guess for good reason though :) Thanks for hosting everyone last night! We had a great time. Hope you had one crazy snowball fight today!

  6. We love snow here but rarely get any (Alabama). We had flurries this am but none stuck.

    How blessed you are! And I think boys are big eaters. I know i was when I was expecting twin boys!LOL!

  7. yea for snow!! and church groups.


    we got 20 inches this weekend :)
