Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Forecast Says...

Lot's of snow is heading our way...

So the girls are gearing up by trying out their snow gear...

I almost wish they made those boots in my size...well, in black or gray...or chocolate brown.

Here's hoping they can get outside to play tomorrow before our Christmas party - the little ladies are wishing for "a whole lotta snow!"

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Lily's got those same boots! Now if only she had those adorable tights to go with them :)

  2. Aww! So cute! Hope you all get snow!

  3. so cute... I cannot wiat to see some serious snow photos of your savvys..... I am sweltering here in Australia... well, it's raining ALOT but very very very humid...... bring on those snow photos :):)

  4. OOOOH, I want those boots for my girls! I have yet to find snow boots for my girls in our price range! Guess I better start trying harder seeing as it snowed last night and they want to play in it today! Eeek, their little toes are going to be cold today!

  5. That skirt, those legs, those tights, those boots - it is a WHOLE lot of CUTE!
