Friday, October 1, 2010

I Think It's Finally Fall...

So I have pulled ALL our hoodies out. Because I just love 'em so much. For me, for the girls, for everyone...

Please tell me someone else loves a warm, cozy hoodie as much as I do??


  1. I absolutely adore fall & winter (summer i can do without). At school (i take night classes) they crank the a/c up so its like a meatlocker in there, we all bundle up in our sweatshirts, but then go out for yogurt on our break & its 100 degrees. Very odd!

  2. We love the hoodies here too...sooo comfy, cozy, snuggly!! And pulling out cute new stuff to wear is so much fun! :-)

  3. I love hoodies. I wear them all fall/winter/spring.

  4. yesssssssssss I love hoodies! warm, check. cozy, check. comfy, check. hide the leftover baby belly that makes me appear three months pregnant even though I haven't been pregnant in nearly two years... CHECK! :)

  5. Oh how I LOVE hoodies...especially from Gap Body! They make such cute ones with little yoga makes me still feel cute even when dressing down.
    It is still pretty warm down here in the South though. Boo!

  6. Hoodies are the one thing that will actually change my dreadful feelings that fall is just a bridge to winter into nice, accepting feelings!

  7. I love fall and the cooler weather! I wish it would cool off here but we are still in the 90's! :(

    P.S. Did you pick a winner for TVP giveaway?

  8. HOODIES!! You know I love them as much as you do. Ok, almost as much... :)
