Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Reward Jars Are Now Used For Decoration

Remember my "Reward Jars" for the girls?

And remember when I said I had a back up plan if the jar idea faded?

Yea, well it faded. The jars have been empty for quite some time, they just lost their novelty. Maybe I'll bring them back after the holidays.

For now they are holding Fall Candy...

Those sour cherry gummis in the middle are crowd favorite. I actually bought them for decoration and it turns out that they are disappearing fast.

So for now I'm not offering an incentive plan for the girls.

"Listen and you can earn something in your jar..." has turned to "You will do it because I told you to do it!" They aren't as fond of that technique :).

I am off today to look at some more Fall decor with the girls. Not looking for anything big, I actually just want to pick up some yummy Fall candles!

Happy Thursday!


  1. They are cute for decoration. I am going to come over and take some candy. :D

  2. Oh I wish you were in the neighborhood so you could stop in! :)

  3. Save some of those sour cherry gummies, please! :)
