Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Want To...

...jump for joy hard

...worry less

...celebrate my favorite ladies

...leave a legacy for my kiddos

...make the Lord smile

...prove that less is more

...squeeze my husband

...answer all the questions

...remember "these days"

...cherish the time when the kids are little

...quit being so hard on myself

...remember that God used this body to carry lots o' babies :)... the curves

...teach the girls about true beauty

...embrace the craziness

...laugh at the insanity

...make a difference

...laugh till I cry

...hold my babies

...not care about the negative

...ignore the gossip

...pitch in out

...focus on what is true

...take long walks

...let my hair down myself

...make every second count

...celebrate our family

...take deep breaths

...focus on Him

...realize I need to do that more :).

(Thank you, Susan!)