Thursday, September 2, 2010

Have I Ever Mentioned...

That people dressed up as animals is not my favorite thing in the world??

Well, they're not. Neither are the muppets, actually. Gives me the creepys...

I know, it's quarky. But for me, this giant frog that showed up at the fountains yesterday took the cake of creepy...

The older girls didn't mind him - they actually thought he was pretty hilarious...

Kinley on the other hand, kept a safe distance - thats a girl after my own heart...

And don't even get me started on clowns - I won't sleep tonight if you do. :)


  1. That is weird. LOL! I don't like people dressed up as animals either.

  2. The frogs eyes being red doesn't help either....yikes!

    I'm with ya on the creep factor.

  3. LOVE the muppets but that frog is SCARY! :)

  4. Ew. That's all I have to say. EW! What was he doing at the fountain exactly?

  5. Yeah, I'm wondering WHY is there a frog at the fountain???

  6. Was he "official" or just a "creeper"? Seriously, I think we would have had to pack up and leave! That is weird!!!

  7. I actually like that frog... guess i'm standing alone on this one. Crazy, huh? But I'm in total agreement about clowns. Shudder!

  8. Yeah, the whole grown up dressed in a big ole ugly costume is pretty strange. And I totally with you on the clown thing1

  9. Ok, what the HECK with the frog?! Seriously strange.

    But I have a confession to make: I was the Easter bunny at the local mall one year during college. Yes, an adult dressed as an animal. That costume was NOT comfortable - which makes me wonder how on earth that frog felt getting wet in his costume. Weird all the way around! :p

  10. Whoa, that is creepy! Let me just say, though, that Kinley keeps that kind of distance from me most of the time, too! I don't think it's just that the frog was creepy... :)
