Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's Time, Baby.

Or should I say, "It's time, little girl."

I knew it was coming. I knew you were ready. And I knew you were excited.

What I didn't know is that I would see 6 years flash in front of my eyes as you walked into your classroom. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

Wasn't it just yesterday that God gave you to us? And wasn't it a minute ago that you were standing at your 1st birthday doing animal sounds for everyone?

My mothers voice saying, "before you know it, she'll be in school..." rings so loud in my ears today.

But as I've said, you can't fence time, and 1st grade is calling. For the past year, we have been praying that God would give us direction for our family, and we believe that He planted us in a great community, with great schools. I know it's a big change from last year, but I also can tell you that this is where we are supposed to be. You're going to love it!

You are indeed ready my smart, savvy little girl. Have fun, learn a lot, and stop growing so stinkin' fast!

I love you, my sweet Ella Girl.

If you need me, I'll be in the car - trying to pull myself together. :)

It's time, Baby.

(I posted this (almost) exact post this time last year. I did a repost cause I felt exactly the same :)!)


  1. I can't imagine you you feel! AHHHH!

    I drove by the local elementary school today when running errands, and I'm not sure if it's regular mommy emotions, or pregnancy hormones, but I almost cried thinking that in 4 years, and then again in 5 years both my boys will be going to kindergarten!!!

    I'm already thinking it's time to plan the next baby, because I can't stand the idea of not having one at home! Although PERHAPS I should worry about this baby first...

    Anyway, hope the first day went well!!!

  2. It must be so weird to have her gone all day! If there's anyone that's ready for 1st grade, it's Ella! She seemed so happy when I asked her about school last night. I'm sure she'll have a great year. Just try to at least keep the other ones small, ok? :)

  3. As I walked thru Ella's school today, I couldn't believe that she was first grade. I remember the morning she came to us, one of the most wonderful memories of my life, and today I walked to her 1st Grade class and observed her thru the window of the door. The rest of the school must have thought, "now that's an over-protective Grandma", but you know what, I didn't care!! There was my first grandchild, the love of my life, making her way in the classroom, independent, secure in her knowledge, and I was proud!!! You do an amazing job as a Mother. I'm so proud of you and my babies. Love, Mom

  4. Isn't it insane? I did the same thing the year my son started Kinder.. My eyes were swelling and I remember looking around to see if I was the only Mom. Thank goodness for sunglasses! =) Your all in for an amazing adventure! =)

  5. What a sweet, beautiful little girl and a wonderful mommy to love her little one so much!
    Have a great year of first grade! :)
