Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Little Decor Goes A Long Way...

I love decorating the house - little by little - as we continue to settle in. I also LOVE finding amazing deals on cool home stuff - and that's exactly what I've been doing lately.

I just bought these pillows, and I just adore them, they are sooo soft...

I just want to curl up and take a nap right there...

Yea, like that's gonna happen.

I've also been framing pictures of the girls and I've been trying to take more pictures of our whole family together - we just don't have as many as I'd like.

I stare at this sweet picture from when the babies were 7 months old. And right after that I almost tear up at the fact that they will be 2 in November!! How does that happen - didn't I just have them!??

And my mom bought us this mirror that I adore - Target never fails in the home decor department, do they?? :)

So that's what I've been doing around here - I should actually be doing laundry...

But it is just NO fun! Someone tell me to get on the (laundry) ball - cause it's a rollin', and I'm just ignoring it.

I'm not sure that made any sense.


Today we are off to some serious Garage Sales with Grandma - the little women are so excited. Maybe it's odd, but they LOVE garage sales. They must get that from their mama :).

Here's hoping that we find some good deals!


  1. Kate, I have those same wee figurines as you for my twins. Aren't they sweet??

    I love love love all your ideas... the pillows look perfect to snuggle up into. Shame naptime for mummies isn't daily... I'd gladly go to sleep if I was put into a nice dark, quiet room!! haha

    Love your pic of the 'babies'.... it's gorgeous.
    Susan :):)

  2. Love the mirror! :) And the laundry... Yeah, I'm out of detergent for two days, eek! Since I make my own, I NEED to do it tomorrow!!! :0

  3. Your hair is so LONG! I'm jealous :(

    I love the mirror!

  4. by the way, you look gorgeous :)

  5. Great decor items and good luck finding more treasures at the garage sales. :) I've been wanting to get out to some too and just haven't had the time yet.

  6. I almost went yardsaling today. Hope you found something super cute.

  7. Ooh, those new pillows look soft and cozy! We might have to move them downstairs on Monday nights... :)
