Friday, July 16, 2010

I'll Admit It...

I have a problem. I will add one thing right after another to my plate. I will over commit, and try to do 100 things at once.

And I'm going to admit it tonight - I'm tired.

Anyone else?

So this weekend I'm going to relax. I have finished all my picture editing that's been piling up, the laundry is done, and I even have dinner planned for tomorrow night.

I want to sit out back with my family and listen to the sweet sound of the swing set...

swinging from Kate on Vimeo.

Am I the only one who finds that relaxing?

I sure do :).

I'm even going to have a little girls morning out with my sweet Ella - this mom is SO excited for that!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


  1. It ALL sounds fabulous ... enjoy your weekend.
    and well done on the washing ;-)

  2. I have the same problem with overcommitting! Right now I really want to sign myself up for a class in the fall and a marathon/fundraiser in January... but I'm worried that I won't have enough time and I'll fail miserably in both:)
    I love watching my kids on the playset too:)

  3. That is the best sound. Have a great weekend Kate!

  4. Me, too! Me, too! I'm looking forward to a weekend of NO commitments, after a mind numbing, busy week.

  5. The girls look so cute swinging together in the video--love it!

  6. That sounds so great. I'm sure Ella will love her time with you too!

  7. REST friend! You more than deserve it. Hope you & Ella have a GREAT time!!!

  8. gosh I love the field beyond your yard.. you look like you have a lot of space :)

    Hope you get to relax... I'm pretty sure though, that the swinging only lasts a short time before you get a "mommy" call for something... The weather looks divine. Enjoy :):)
