Thursday, March 11, 2010

She's With Me

That's just the way it is right now...

This wide eyed love will not let me put her down...

In fact, I'm carrying her as I type this.

Call it attachment, call it crazy. But when I put her down, she does this...

It breaks my heart. She is more attached than any of the other girls ever were...

She is the definition of a "mama's girl."

I know I can't hold her all the time - I do have 4 other children running through the house. I will wean her off the carrier little by some point, not yet.

For now, she's with me.


  1. Those pictures are so gorgeous! Not to mention the sweet mama's girl ;) Hold on tight!

  2. She's adorable! Soak up every minute!

  3. That last pic is so cute.. .and I love mamma's babies... our last one was a mamma's baby.

  4. Oh, Raya...She truly is obsessed with you. I guess I can't blame her, though, so am I! Haha! That first picture of her is UNBELIEVABLE! I just want to come rip her away from you! :)

  5. Yum for mama's babies!! The boys have gotten this way lately and while some will say I spoil them by carrying them, I just soak it in. :)

  6. Oh do it as long as she wants. In all with both surgeries I will have had 16 weeks with no lifting or holding my babies. Yes there were a few weeks in between the first and second surgery but I was so weak. No my fear as I await four more weeks of no lifting holding (you know holding the way they like...moving not sitting) is that when I get too...they wont want it. Just today daddy scooped up Campbell and she shouted no daddy I am not a baby I want down. UGH I will D-I-E if she udders those words when I get to do that.
    So do it. Hold her as long as she wants and as long as you can!!!!

  7. Oh how lucky you are to hangout with such gorgeous company!

  8. Beautiful little post Kate! Her eyes are so gorgeous in that first picture. This is how my Maya is right is exasperating sometimes, but the sweetest feeling to pick them up and it's instantly better....because of YOU!!!!

  9. I've got one who wants to be carried all the time too. Love it :)

  10. Enjoy the love! She really is such a cutie!

  11. I had Maddie in her carrier for a long time...she just loved to be close. Sometimes I wish she could still fit in that thing :). Enjoy every minute...I know you do!

  12. What a sweetheart! My youngest is quite attached too... I enjoy it - most of the time :)

  13. I love a good sling! I'm glad you are taking your time with weaning her off it. After all, as you know, she won't fit in it forever!

  14. i love when they want to be close and love on you. i always remind myself it will not last and to enjoy it while i can

  15. Hold her for as long as you can like that. Sweet pictures!

  16. What's wrong with a mama's girl!?? :)

  17. Nugget was attached for a long time but as soon as she could move on her own she was gone. I would love it if she was a bit more snugly! Someday she will want to be with the other girls or on her own. I found when the front carrier/sling got too hard a backpack/carrier was a great fix! She was still close but not in the way. :)

  18. That is so sweet. Difficult at moments, for sure, but sweet. I remember when my Josiah was like that a lot. Now he cries if I won't put him down!
