Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oh Crazy Day

It has been a busy few days...

Eric leaves tomorrow for a week for work - so I have been trying to get all the grocery shopping done, and the laundry under control.

I know. I will never get the laundry under always wins!

My "attached" little lady has been a little under the weather...

which also means, she is a little more needy - which can be sweet at times, but also hard at times :).

Hopefully she is on the mend...

and hopefully I will be back to our normal routine very soon!!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!!


  1. Seriously, how do you take such gorgeous pictures, full of meaning?! Oh yeah -- you're good at it :)

    Have a GOOD week!

  2. I understand!! Lauren is sick right now too, which makes her more needy, which somehow makes the other girls more needy, leaving mama at her wits end!!! Should be an interesting week... will be thinking of you!! I struggle when Scott's not here! If you were anywhere close by, I'd invite you over for a playdate or offer to babysit your sweet girls :)

  3. That photo of you and your baby is just gorgeous.
    Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Oh you brave brave mom! Wish I could swoop in like a laundry's my favorite household chore! I know, I'm weird! Hope your week goes well!

  5. The Laundry always wins! :P Hope the little one gets better soon, and you get back on track even though you'll be w/o the hubby.

  6. Good luck next week! I hope your little one gets better soon. Crazy weekend for us too....did I tell you we are moving again? So, yeah, we are packing up and moving with 3 little ones constantly at our feet! lol
    Let's chat soon! I want to hear about what's going on. :)

  7. oh I hope she gets better soon..... sweet photo :)

    my Stirling is ill at the moment too... and I don't have a carrier out anymore. I may fish it out if he still grizzles tomorrow.

    Laundry.... booooo ;)
