Well, there are no big plans around here for Valentines Day. Just some little gifts for the girls, some baking, and A LOT of laundry. Oh, and Eric's going to clean out the cars.
I know, we're hopeless romantics.
C'mon though, isn't it obvious that there is, or has been romance in our marriage? After all, we do have 5 children.
I know this is random, but have you seen this icing? It will take all your strength not to lean your head back and just spray some in. Or maybe that's just me. I went from just your everyday ice-er (you know what I mean), to making cookies that look like this...
And here is the recipe for the Tortilla chips. You are going to be pleased with how easy this is...
I took whole grain tortillas - I bought mine at Trader Joes. Loovve me some Trader Joe's.
It's like my Organic Target.
I might refer to it as that from now on. Or not.
1.Whole Grain Tortillas (or whatever kind you like), and cut it in to triangles like I had pictured. I used a pizza cutter to do this.
2.Place them on a baking sheet and brush them with Olive Oil. (also from TJ's)
3.Sprinkle with Sea Salt.
4.Bake for about 4-5min.
5. Take out, flip, and brush the other side with Olive Oil. (Salt is optional)
6. Bake for a few more minutes.
Add or take away cooking time depending on how crunchy you want them.
There it is! Enjoy! Let me know how yours turn out.
Have a great Valentines Day!!
Don' worry, Kate! No earth shattering plans here either. Maybe some thick yummy chocolate pudding from a BHG recipe.
Thanks for sharing your tortilla chip recipe!
We found icing like that for Maggie to decorate Christmas cookies with... she had a BLAST!
by the way, I've never even heard of Trader Joe's, much less been to one. I feel like I'm missing out!
I love it!!! We did the exact same thing! I LOVE having a clean car!
Ok, I was a few posts behind b/c of my trip. Here are my thoughts:
1. America's Funniest Home Videos never gets old for you because watching it with your girls is hilarious. I think their reactions are funnier than the actual videos.
2. Nice work on the homemade tortillas. I see those in our future.
3. Please being your can o' love--err...I mean icing--with you next time you come over. If you you think I'm kidding, think again.
4. Hope you, Eric, and the ladies had a good Valentine's Day!
Thanks for your comment on my blog :)
I'll have to try that icing.
Kate, thanks for the recipe!
We didn't do anything romantic either! I worked on some school stuff and Joel took the drive shaft off of his truck. WOO HOO!
I admit that icing has replaced whipped cream in our house as our guilty pleasure.
It was nice meeting you at Blissdom!
SO jealous! I wish we had Trader Joes here!
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