I had your clothes washed, and your room ready. I had gone over in my mind, time and time again, what would it be like to be a mom of twins?
I had no idea what God was about to bless us with.
I had
preeclampsia, and
pre-term labor. It was time to go.
I looked forward to a natural delivery. (well, with an epidural)
But plans change,
babies turn, and umbilical cords go places they shouldn't, so a c-section it was.
They wheeled me to the Operating Room as a mama to 1, and I tried to grasp the fact that when they wheeled me out, I would be a mama to 3. (oh little did I know what the future held :))
I will always remember the Dr. pulling you both out. Twin girls! They handed both of you to daddy...I will never forget watching him hold his new little girls for the first time. Grandma was there to watch 2 new granddaughters join our family.
When I saw your sweet little faces, it was as if I instantly forgot what life was like before you.
It was a day of unforgettable memories...
It was the day you were born!
3 years have gone by...time, please slow down!
Reese, you: love playing outside, love swimming, are to smart for your own good :), love doing
everything Ella does, can count to 20, know your ABC's, have a smile that could melt just about anyone, are independent, love to sing, love to laugh, and you have an awesome free spirit that brings so much joy to our family.
Charlotte, you: love swinging outside, love the park, are a "self soother", love to color, love your princess dolls, laugh a lot, can count to 20, know your ABC's, love to dance to your favorite songs, love to cuddle, have an amazing smile, and you have one of the sweetest little hearts, that warms our hearts, time and time again.
I am forever grateful for God letting me be your mama. You both (and your sisters) are truly God's Grace in my life. I love you 2
sooo much!
Happy 3rd Birthday Girls!