Sunday, December 6, 2009

From Her Head To Her Feet

Our little Raya is back in action...

She is full of energy - From her tough little head...

Down to her sweet little toes.

Which is good - cause Kinley needs her sidekick :)!


heather@it'stwinsanity said...

Wonderful news!!!

Sarah said...

what a precious girl! SO glad she is ok! God knew what He was doing when He made babies/kids so resilient! :)

Unknown said...

So glad to hear that she is doing okay! Great news!

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Yay! Isn't it amazing how fast these little ones recover! PTL!

rachellechaseblog said...

sweet pictures!!

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

So glad little Raya is feeling better. Praise God! I think it takes more time for mommy's heart to heal from such a scary incident than for the little one to be back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Praise God she is ok!

Lenae said...

Glad to hear your little one is doing better! As always, adorable pics!