Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ready For The Week

What did we do this weekend? Not much at all. We had nothing planned, and no big events to get to. It was great. Sometimes it's just good to have a laid back weekend at home to recover from the crazy, and way to busy week - Don't you think?

I made and bottled some baby food. (although I often freeze it in ice cube trays.)

When I wasn't making all natural, organic baby food, I was finishing off the batch of pumpkin cookies that I made the other day. I probably should get some self control...or stop baking holiday treats...we'll see which one happens first.


The girls played and played with some new toys I bought at a Twins Rummage Sale on Friday night...

And Raya fell in love with looking out the window. It is so sweet. She stands and watches her sisters play out back, and enjoys the amazing cool breeze that we are getting.

Ahhh, refreshed and ready for Monday...I think :).


  1. Love the baby food pic! I've been buying the canned stuff, but this inspires me to do some of my own! Also, I haven't tried the cookie recipe yet (I LOVE pumkin AND chocolate)....the reason??? I just know I will eat them ALL!

  2. man, I wish I had 1/4 of your picture taking skills. I am the same way, I domn't bake much because I always end up eating it all myself. I can't control myself, home all day with bakes goods!

    If you get time, will you check out my Blog For a Cure Blog Party?

  3. Love the last one of Raya looking out the window.

  4. I've heard so many people talk about making their own baby food -- I was going to attempt it with Lily but never got around to trying it, and now she's almost eating all table food -- but next time around I'd like to give it a try -- I might have to pick your brain :)

    Always nice to have a weekend with nothing scheduled :)

  5. Love that picture of big sister and little sister at the window! Precious!!

    I suppose I'm as ready for the week as I'll ever be! :)
