Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Can Do This

If anyone can get a great posed picture of my babies, it's me, right?

Cause they know me, and look at the camera whenever I ask...or maybe not...

Well, I guess there are some times when Raya is more interested in the grass, and Kinley just wants mom to pick her up...

Sigh - good thing they are so stinkin' cute :).


  1. Yes.. they are stinkin cute!!

  2. they ARE beautiful...and thats one of the best things about baby photos....the candid and show their personality...
    but trust me when I say, I feel your pain...I want those perfectly posed pictures, too :)

  3. I am so glad to see that I am not the only one who has trouble getting a good pic of my twins together! Your girls are so cute though!

  4. If you ever figure out the secret of getting your babies to look at the camera be sure to fill me in :) But you're right they are so darn cute! (Love their onesies :)
