Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Oh, my sweet little Raya...I want to squeeze you!! Seriously, Kate, LOVE that pic!

  2. Girl, have I told you that I have some mad photography skills.


  3. LOL--- I mean YOU have mad skills. :) Geez, I just ruined the compliment.

  4. Cute pic. About larger pictures. in html mode it would usually say .... width: 400px; height: 267px;" src=""

    I change it to: width: 95%; height: 95%;" src=""

    I change the pixel size to 95% and the 400 to 800 so that the picture will not look stretched out.
    It may affect your three colums. I chose the blog design I did for that reason... more space in the center colume for larger pictures. I did do something to increase the size of the middle colume too... I will try to remember what that was and could help you with that if this doesn't work. have fun.

  5. Beautiful pic....even more beautiful sweet little girl!!

  6. Oh, gorgeous baby girl, I just want to squeeze those cheeks.

    I am so excited to work with you on your blog and see more of your sweet girls.
