Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Closer Look

I had the girls outside yesterday doing some coloring with the sidewalk chalk, when our neighbor came across the street to see, "all these girls!" :)

She trumped the chalk with 3 little magnifying glasses. The girls loved them. So for the rest of the day, we have taken "a closer look" at just about everything...

...even the dog has been inspected...

I'm not going to lie, this pic is here just because of those amazingly sweet pigtails - Aren't they the sweetest?!

They did a lot of this - I'm pretty sure they know every detail of each others face now :).
It is a beautiful day here and we are off to the park then the pool. Full day, but it is seriously gorgeous outside! Thanks for all the ideas for crafts and activities, I can't wait to try them out!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Nice neighbour.. cute pigtails.

  2. Love your photos, Kate. The colors are so vibrant! It sounds like you're getting some nice weather.

  3. I miss sidewalk chalk! I remember sitting on the porch or in the backyard as my boys drew 'til their hearts' content. No more!

    No cute pigtails at my house either!

  4. What a GREAT day! It sounds like you all had bunches of fun.

  5. what a fab neighbour......and yes the piggy tails are cute!!!!
