Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Boys

Lincoln is getting a brother!

It's a boy :).


  1. Love, love, love it! :)

    I am so happy for you all. xoxo

  2. Yay for Lincoln!!! They are going to be the best of buds!

  3. Oh my goodness that is amazing... how wonderful. Now you have to find a very special name for this little bundle of blue.

  4. Congratulations! I have seven daughters and am pregnant again. Due in October, but this time it is a surprise. I would love another girl but having a son would be just as great. I can just imagine the doctor saying "it's a girl!" and my husband fainting because he has YET ANOTHER daughter... But I can also imagine my husband fainting because of a son. His first boy! Well, we'll have to see in October :)

  5. Aww! How sweet! Two boys right in a row. That's pretty special! Congrats, Kate!

  6. oh man,how awesome!!! CONGRATS TO YOU ALL!! hope it is smooth pregnancy!

    and when in the world did Lincoln start looking like a "big" boy?!?!


  7. Thanks so much, ladies! We are really excited and very thankful!

    Katherine, you'll have to let me know what you have!

  8. Yay, that awesome news. Praise to Him. Love to you.

  9. Name ideas... :-D

    Archer, Jacob, Owen, Jude, Christian, Cole, Gavin, Everett, Bennett, Ruben, Samuel, Rowan, Ronan, Caden, Benjamin, Oliver, Henry, Kai, Ryan, Calvin, Kyle, Silas, William, Weston, Ryder, Easton, Anthony, Caleb, Nicholas, Andrew, Kurt, Sean, Clayton, Ethan, Myles

    Good luck! I love names... ;-)
