Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Little Foster Update


I think a lot of you may have seen on Facebook over the weekend that we got a random phone call about a distant relative surfacing for C & A.

Just in case you're wondering, in foster care they always look for family to take the children. And often times, if family is found even after they are placed with a foster family, the children are moved. Even if that family loves them and is taking good care of them and they now have a healthy view of a normal family.

Deep breaths.

And that is precisely the case here. Our caseworker called and said that this family member (read: sort of a family member) had been approved to take the girls, and we needed to meet with them as soon as possible.

And just like that. Things can change.

So I told them to make the drive to our town (they are an hour away), and we could meet at a Chickfila close to us. Honestly, I just wanted to see if they would come all the way here, and I feel like making them work if they really are going to take them from us. Mean? Maybe. But I really did  think it was best to meet on our turf, at a place the girls have frequented, so we could make this as comfortable as possible for C & A.

And because I also feel that Chickfila waffle fries and sweet tea can heal emotional pain. So it was a win-win.

It went ok, and it also was understandably awkward. The girls have been a mess ever since because I think they know deep inside that this may mean a new place, and more new people. And as hard as it all is, I feel Him with us in every step. I feel Him changing the direction, and I feel Him helping us loosen our grip on a situation we can not control.

I feel Him continuing to teach us to love big no matter what the outcome of this foster care roller coaster.

Today they played outside with their siblings, laughed at the dinner table over silly things, and then layed their little heads down in the same spot that they have since December. Today they are safe, and they are loved, and they are here :).

We think it will take about 6 weeks for this all to unfold, so we are just going to take it a day at a time and try to love without hesitation. Should be easy, right :)???

Hope you all are having a great week!


  1. Another foster mom here.... I live my days knowing that at ANY point one my sons 7 other Aunts and Uncles could come forward at any moment.... Thankfully my boys are old enough that there would be a "choice" for them.

    I am praying... I understand...

  2. Awwww Kate, this is so frustrating. I feel for you. These kiddos have come into your life and have become your babies, whether you gave birth to them or not they are apart of your family. So like you said for as long as you have them love them without hesitation. They are going to need that and will remember that where ever they are, be it with you or someone else.

    Praying for ya Mama!

  3. I hate to see them uprooted. I never knew what the complications were with them, but it was clear to see that an unsettling was taking place, and to to think of them starting all over again....(sigh).

    Best wishes to all the who fill the brim at this time. It should be a challenging adjustment for all of those nuggets.

    And....hug to YOU Mama Bear. You are so exceptional. God has big plans for those arms of yours...and most of them will surely be blessings.

  4. settling vs. unsettling. OOPS.

  5. Oh you ladies bless my heart :). Thankful for your sweet encouragement!

  6. I'm so sorry! The same thing is happening to our best friends who have a little adorable foster baby girl...waiting for a distant cousin to come take her. It's heartbreaking. Praying God will protect these sweet little girls. Sometimes it's hard to understand and keep trusting. Praying for you!
