Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Have To Show You...

This is such a grainy picture straight from my phone, unfortunately I didn't have time to grab my actual camera and get pics of all the kiddos. But this is my first boy costume for Halloween so I MUST document it.

(Yes, we let the kids trick or treat.)

I don't think I even need to tell you how entertained I was by this.

Our little Police Officer...

Seriously, I laughed over this cute little costume all night!

Oh I love that kid, and all the boyish things that he brings to our family :).


  1. he is adorable! I love it! I'm so far behind on commenting on blogs... but I always read... and pray. Love you friend!

  2. i am DYING over this. oh my word.

  3. oh my word,he is adorable AND he looks so much older :)

  4. Thanks! It seriously was cracking me up the whole night :).

  5. Love it, had me laughing too. He'll always be able to say: Once, he had muscles to die for.
