Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Same Savvy Blog, Yet Different!

Change is good!

I actually have a love-hate relationship with it myself. I love new chapters and seasons and fresh starts. But I, like many people, are always hesitant of the unknown and being out of my comfort zone.

But that's a different blog post.


Welcome! Things have moved, stuff has been added, and items have been taken away. Oh, and the name has sorta changed.

But no worries, even though at the top I'm sporting the new Filled To The Brim title, you're still going to find my crew and I at the same old url,

You can also find us at Target.

Or at the local park running crazy and swinging to our hearts content...

I still love my Savvy Little Women and One Little Man motto, so some things will remain the same or similar. Because you know, "Savvy" is officially a part of us....

It's who we are. It's in our blood. Team Savvy forever.

Too far? Ok.

It's really been a long time coming. And as much as I feel SO INSANELY attached to the old look of things, I've been feeling like the blog didn't truly represent who we are we had outgrown it.

God leads you in different directions over time, and changes the look and feel of your life. And I love that.

At the top you can find links that will lead you to a trail of our new Foster journey, the top ten reasons we decided to have a big family, and I'm going to start throwing my recipes in one spot too...basically so I can find them when I need them.

So go ahead and take a deep breath in through the nose. Almost smells like a new car, don't ya think?

No? It was worth a try.

(If you are reading in a Google Reader, pop over and give it a look!)

So here's to a new look, a little bit of a new sound, and to being Filled To The Brim...with our savvy little kiddos :).


  1. I LOVE the new name and look!! Oh my gosh looking at your side pictures they have all gotten soooo big. I miss reading your blog. Hopefully I can visit more often soon!

  2. Oh my goodness, I LOVE it!!
    And who are all those grown up kiddos on your side bar!! ;)

  3. Thanks, girls! I have no idea how they grow so's like it happens overnight :)!

  4. Love it! And I totally feel you about change. I'm making some blog changes myself soon. It's scary, but good. And I am soooo excited to follow your foster journey. I have wanted to do it for so long, but have always been afraid. Maybe following your journey will help me know if it's right for us :)

  5. Great idea -- and while change is challenging, as you've said, God takes us in different directions. Looking forward to seeing where He leads next.

  6. LOVE it!! different yet similar :)
    sleek.clean and prety!

  7. Thanks, all! I really like the clean look and how I can make the pictures bigger :)!

  8. I love the new look of your blog, Kate! It looks really fresh and nice. I like the categories you have at the top...I may need to look into how to add that to my blog.

  9. Love the new space, Kate! Way to embrace change!

  10. Love. Love. Love. the new title . . . the new theme . . . the new look. Great job!

    mama of 12
